Tuesday 23 March 2021

My latest monthly report

Time period: 23rd February – 23rd March 2021

1.0 Council and other meetings

Over the last month, I have attended a number of virtual meetings and briefings via Microsoft Works and Zoom.

In terms of Cornwall Council, these have included Full Council; a briefing in advance of this coming week’s Full Council; Economic Growth and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee and an associated briefing; the Cornish National Minority Working Group and two meetings about the 2021 census and the publicity for the “write-in” option for Cornish nationality; monthly meeting of elected members within the China Clay Area; the first meeting of the core group for a new Race Equality Forum for Cornwall; and a members’ briefing session.

I have also had a number of meetings about the road safety schemes which are being brought forward in St Enoder Parish.

In addition, I have been at meetings of St Enoder Parish Council, South & East Cornwall Community-Led Local Development Local Action Group, and the lockdown support group for the China Clay Area.

2.0 Planning matters

The Parish Council and I continue to deal with a range of planning applications. Updates of note are as follows:

2.1 Fifty properties at St Columb Road (PA20/02929)

Last month, I reported that Cornwall Council had refused planning permission for the construction of 50 new properties at St Columb Road, on land immediately to the rear of the development opposite the Doctors’ Surgery, and that the applicant had appealed the decision to the Bristol-based Planning Inspectorate.

On behalf of the Parish Council, I have prepared a detailed representation for the appeal, which stretches to more than 5,000 words. It sets out a wide range of evidence as to why the development should not be allowed to proceed. The submission also included a large number of letters of objection from local residents.

2.2 Six extra gypsy / traveller pitches at Little Meadows, Toldish (PA20/03553)

In August, Cornwall Council refused planning permission for six additional gypsy / traveller pitches at Little Meadows, Toldish. There is already a planning consent for six units at the site, which have yet to be fully constructed.

As anticipated, the applicant has appealed the decision to the Bristol-based Planning Inspectorate. When the timetable for the appeal is published, I will produce a detailed representation on behalf of the Parish Council and local objectors.

2.3 Solar Farm between St Columb Road and Whitecross

A firm called Statkraft UK is working up a proposal for a solar farm on land at Tresithney, just to the north-west of St Columb Road. Information about the proposal can be found on the on Statkraft’s website as below:


The website states that the proposal “is in the early stages of development,” but also notes that the company anticipates submitting an application in June of this years.

The website includes a map which shows the fields around Tresithney, where solar panels are proposed. Some of these fields abut the edge of St Columb Road and the northern half of Barton Lane towards Whitecross. It also shows an “area of search” through which they would need to lay electric cables towards the power station on the St Dennis road. The area of search includes the built-up areas of Indian Queens, St Columb Road and the northern part of Fraddon; and concerns have already been raised about the disturbance that such cable laying might cause.

The information is very limited at the present time and I have been in contact with a representative of the company to find out more. The website states that “from 29th March, a full online consultation space will be available, where you can view further project details including access maps, layout diagrams, photographs, videos and more.”

I am also monitoring feedback from the local community, so that this can inform what representations I make back to the applicants and Cornwall Council.

2.4 Indian Queens Industrial Estate

Last year, there was an application (PA19/05975) which sought a new access into an industrial unit at the Indian Queens Estate from Moorland Road for the provision of 15 parking spaces. It was strongly opposed by local residents. Planning officers recommended that it should be approved, so I referred it to a meeting of the Central Sub-Area Planning Committee on 2nd November. Members of the Planning Committee voted unanimously to reject the application.

The owners of Unit 2 had also created a largish area of hardstanding, which planners were told would be turned back to grass if their initial application for the parking area was successful. But by the time of the November meeting, they had already submitted a planning application (PA20/09460) for four houses in this area. This application was withdrawn by the applicants when they were told it would be refused by the local authority.

I am very disappointed that the owner has submitted another application (PA21/01683) for this area. This time, it is for four commercial units with a B8 use (ie. storage and distribution). It again includes a new access onto Moorland Road and I will, once again, do my utmost to represent the views of local residents.

4.0 Highway improvements

4.1 Proposed new footway between Harvenna Heights estate and Indian Queens School

The legal paperwork for the transfer of part of the field to the west of Indian Queens School, from Cornwall Council to St Enoder Parish Council, has been prepared by unitary authority and passed to the Parish Council’s solicitor.

As soon as the transfer is completed, the Parish Council will be able to begin the construction of the proposed new footway between the Harvenna Heights estate and Indian Queens School. At the end of February, the Parish Council’s handyman cleared some vegetation (in advance of the bird nesting season) so that the Parish Council will be in a position to proceed with the works quite soon.

4.2 Proposed zebra crossings on Chapel Road and St Francis Road, Indian Queens

There is a live consultation about the two proposed zebra crossings and associated measures on Chapel Road and St Francis Road. The full consultation can be viewed on Cornwall Council’s website at:

The consultation ends on 31st March.

4.3 Proposed works on A3058 through Summercourt

The design of the proposed improvements along the A3058 are nearing completion and I have been assured that the consultation on the proposals will commence in May.

The potential location for the permanent vehicle activated sign (VAS) in St Austell Street has been agreed, and following a series of accidents on Beacon Road, I am continuing to feed the views / perspectives of local residents to the design team.

4.4 Summercourt School

The first indicative layout of improvement works outside the school have been forwarded to me. The works will include the extension of the 30mph further to the east, new markings on the highway, and permanent vehicle activated signs which will be calibrated to show a 20mph limit immediately outside the School during the times that children arrive at and leave the school. I anticipate that the consultation will also take place in May.

I will update parish councillors further at the meeting.

5.0 “Towards a Strategy for the China Clay Area”

Following the production of this document, a meeting has been secured with the key officers from the Economic Growth and Development directorate. It is an opportunity to get senior staff from the unitary authority to take the needs of Clay Country parishes seriously.

6.0 Full Council

At the meeting on 23rd February, councillors agreed a 4.99% increase in council. This included the government’s suggested 3.0% uplift to go towards meeting the rising costs of adult social care. Such was the pressure on the council’s finances, especially with the added burden from the pandemic, that none of the opposition groups on the council felt able to move an alternative to that proposed by the Liberal Democrat / Independent administration.

7.0 2021 census

Over the last few weeks, I have been involved with promoting the 2021 census and, in particular, the right of people to describe their identity as Cornish.

8.0 Inquires

In addition, I have had queries on a host of subjects from local residents, and I have done my best to assist.

Please note:
I will not be doing a report for the next (April) meeting of the Parish Council, as that falls within the election period, when I will be standing for re-election to the unitary authority.


This report includes a summary of my work as the Cornwall Councillor for St Enoder Division over the last twelve months. The topics covered are not exhaustive and I have also assisted a wide range of people with specific localised or personal issues.

1.0 Lockdown

My last physical meeting prior to the lockdown was the local VE Day Committee, which had to cancel the events planned for 8th and 10th May 2020, and one of the last events I was involved with was the visit of two classes from Indian Queens School to New County Hall on 11th March.

Lockdown commenced on 23rd March and from that point, like so many people, I have worked from home, with lots and lots of meetings held via Microsoft Teams or Zoom video-conferencing.

2.0 Covid-19 response / volunteer activities

It has been remarkable how many people have stepped forward to help support their families, friends and members of the wider community throughout this last difficult year

In late March, the Clerk of St Enoder Parish Council (Amanda Kendall) and I were registered as the local parish hub with Volunteer Cornwall. I worked with the St Columb Road Surgery to organise a team of volunteers to deliver prescriptions to people who were shielding or deemed vulnerable. This took place between April and July. More recently, I was pleased to help out a little with marshalling of people coming to get their vaccinations at the St Columb Surgery.

In addition, I have attended the Covid-19 Local Outbreak Engagement Board (for briefings about the response to the pandemic) and also the lockdown support group for the China Clay Area.

3.0 Planning matters

There has also been a large number of planning applications for our area, where I have done my best to represent the views of local people. A few examples are as follows:

3.1 Indian Queens Industrial Estate (PA19/05975)

The proposal to create a new access from Moorland Road into Unit 2 of the Indian Queens Industrial Estate for an area of additional car parking was strongly opposed by local residents. The original planning consent for the estate stated that vehicular access should be through the central Lodge Way road. I referred the application to the Central Sub-Area Planning Committee and it was rejected by councillors. The vote was unanimous.

3.2 St Columb Road (PA20/02929)

An application for fifty houses was submitted for the land to the rear of the development presently being built opposite the Doctors’ Surgery. Again, there was significant opposition to the scheme via formal objections plus comments on social media. The proposal was refused by planning officers under delegated powers, but the applicant has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate based in Bristol. On behalf of the Parish Council, I have prepared a detailed representation against the scheme.

3.3 Little Meadows, Toldish (PA20/03553)

In 2017, a planning application (PA17/03198) for six traveller pitches was refused by Cornwall Council, but it was then granted on appeal by a government planning inspector in 2018. A fresh application to increase the size of the site to 12 pitches was refused by planning officers under delegated powers, but I have just found out that the applicant has also appealed to the Planning Inspectorate based in Bristol.

3.4 Derelict pig farm at Higher Fraddon (PA20/08679 & PA20/09375)

I have been involved with discussions around the potential redevelopment of the derelict pig farm site, which initially focused around two applications; one for conversion of farm building into five dwellings and another for 16 holiday units, which raised strong objections and I did not support..

3.5 Ouistreham, Indian Queens (PA20/00184)

An outline application was submitted for a bungalow in the back garden of Ouistreham, opposite Queens Garage. Concerns were raised about the cramped nature of the development and I referred it to a meeting of the Central Sub-Area Planning Committee. The application was refused by eight votes to four.

3.6 Solar farm

A consultation on a proposal for a solar farm between St Columb Road and Whitecross has just been launched. More information will be made available on the promoter’s website on 29th March. The website can be found at:


4.0 Planning White Paper

During 2020, the UK Government has just published a White Paper setting out proposals to completely change the planning system, which would undermine the ability of local communities to object to inappropriate developments. The changes would have massively increased the rate of development across Cornwall.

I was one of two councillors on the unitary authority, who tabled a motion opposing the changes, which was backed by the majority of councillors.

5.0 Highway improvements

Throughout the last 12 months, I have been promoting a range of improvements in our local area. The pandemic has caused delays, but we have made some significant progress in recent weeks.

5.1 New footway from Harvenna Heights estate

The legal documentation to transfer part of the field between Harvenna Heights estate and Indian Queens School, from Cornwall Council to St Enoder Parish Council, has been drafted. It is presently with solicitors. The transfer will be accompanied by a financial sum for the construction of a new pathway across the field. It is hoped that these works will be undertaken this summer.

5.2 Chapel Road and St Francis Road, Indian Queens

I have been lobbying extremely hard to get Cornwall Council to deliver improvements suggested within the Travel Plan, associated with the new classrooms that were constructed a few years ago. Following a feasibility study, it has been agreed that there should be zebra crossings on Chapel Road and St Francis Road (at either end of the Drang). The consultation on the proposal is presently live on the Cornwall Council website, and will close on 31st March. It can be found at:

5.3 A3058

I have been liaising with officers at Cornwall Council on a regular basis about improvements in Summercourt, as part of a wider scheme of enhancements along the A3058. The scheme will include the extension of the 30mph speed limit on Beacon Road and a permanent vehicle activated sign at the northern entrance into the village, plus pedestrian crossings linked to the traffic lights on the crossroads. There will also be an additional vehicle activated sign to face traffic entering Summercourt along St Austell Street. The consultation on the scheme is expected to take place in May, with the works to be carried out in the autumn.

5.4 Summercourt School

There continues to be a commitment to deliver improvements outside Summercourt School. The first indicative layout of improvement works outside the school have been forwarded to me, and I will be seeking views as the Council finalise the design for consultation, which will hopefully consulted on in May, as well.

6.0 Traffic matters

There have been a number of accidents in the built-up parts of the Parish in locations including the bottom of Fraddon Hill, Ridgewell Terrace, Fraddon,

Seaview Terrace on the road to St Stephen and on Beacon Road, Summercourt. I have made a range of representations and I can report that Seaview Terrace has been included on a list of about thirty locations, which are to be investigated through a “Local Safety Scheme.” I have also been involved with council officers investigating parking problems along New Road at Fraddon, near the Kingsley Village complex.

7.0 St Enoder Parish Council

Over the last twelve months, I have been pleased to work with the Parish Council on a range of projects.

7.1 Indian Queens Cemetery

Along with other parish councillors, I was involved with the work in the extension to the cemetery, which included the construction of the new roadway and an associated path.

7.2 Mobile vehicle activated sign

The Parish Council has purchased a mobile vehicle activated sign and I am pleased to be one of the councillors who has helped to move it to a range of locations around the Parish. Recent restrictions have meant that we have not moved it as often as we would have liked, but that will change going forward.

7.3 Grant funding for a toilet in Indian Queens Recreation Ground

The Parish Council has been working up a project to provide a public toilet for users of the Indian Queens Recreation Ground. I was able to secure a grant of £10,000 for the project from the National Lottery’s Award for All funding programme. The works will be carried out later this year.

8.0 Strategy for the China Clay Area

I was also very pleased to take a lead in the production of a “Towards a Strategy for the China Clay Area” document, which we are using to lobby Cornwall Council for greater investment in the five parishes of Clay Country.

9.0 Community Governance Review

I have been spending a considerable amount of time on the work of the Electoral Review Panel and, in particular, on the review of parish boundaries and arrangements for parish councils. This involved transferring land adjacent to Mitchell from St Enoder Parish to St Newlyn East Parish.

10.0 Grants

As a Cornwall Councillor, I have a community chest from which I am able to give grants to local groups. In 2020-2021, I made funds available to St Enoder Parish Council for materials to deal with the response to the pandemic, St Enoder Youth Club, Indian Queens Under-5s, the Wesley Pre-School and for supplies to the new Community Larder for Indian Queens and District.

Thursday 4 March 2021


Sunday 21st March is census day, though people are already receiving information about how to fill in the online form.

This represents an opportunity for Cornish people to formally record their national identity.

The Government has again refused a Cornish tick-box, but the Office of National Statistics has allocated a census code to “Cornish” and individuals will be able to evidence their Cornishness through write-in options.

The ONS has also promised that – for the first time – they will produce a full analytical report on the population who identify as Cornish, covering topics which will include health, housing, work and education.

Question 14 will ask: “What is your national identity?” Tick-boxes offered are “British,” “English,” “Welsh,” “Scottish,” “Northern Irish” and “Other.” This means that if you wish to record your nationality as Cornish, you can tick the “Other” box and write in “Cornish” in the space provided.

Question 15 will ask: “What is your ethnic group?” Five sections will describe a range of broad ethnic backgrounds. For example, under “White,” the options are a collective “English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British,” “Irish,” “Gypsy or Irish Traveller,” “Roma,” and “Other.” Other ethnic groups include “mixed or multiple,” “Black” or "Asian." To record yourself as Cornish, you will need to pick the section which you think best represents your broad ethnic background, tick the “Other” box and write in “Cornish” in the space provided.

Question 10 will ask where individuals were born, while Question 18 will ask: “What is your main language?” In both these cases, you can also use "Elsewhere" /“Other” boxes to record yourself as Cornish-born or as a Cornish speaker, if that is appropriate.

This census represents an opening to ensure that our Cornishness is recorded. Please speak with your family, friends and neighbours to ensure that they take full advantage of the various write-in options.


The 2021 census offers an opportunity for individuals to describe themselves as Cornish, but we need to correct one element of the advice that we have published.
Campaigners were given to understand, from the ONS, that the online census would contain a range of prompts and, for the national identity question, the supporting text would give “Cornish” as one of the examples of an “Other” nationality.

Yesterday, we found out that this was not true and that there had been a “misunderstanding.” The reference to Cornish as a possible “Other” national identity will appear in guidance, hidden elsewhere on the census website. It will not promote the write-in / type-in option to people as they fill out the forms.

Feeling pretty let down by the Office of National Statistics at the moment and I can assure one and all that formal complaint representations will soon be prepared.

But at this time – irrespective of the ONS – we must continue to do everything that we can to encourage as many people as possible to record their Cornishness on the census.