Tuesday 6 August 2024
Time period: May, June and July 2024
1.0 Council and other meetings
Over the last three months, physical meetings at Cornwall Council have included Full Council (2), Cabinet, the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Corporate Finance and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee (2), Central Sub-Area Planning Committee, Constitution and Governance Committee, and the China Clay Area and Luxulyan Community Area Partnership.
Other physical meetings have included St Dennis Parish Council (3) and associated Neighbourhood Planning working group (3), St Enoder Parish Council (5), St Dennis and Nanpean Community Trust, ClayTAWC (3), Indian Queens Preaching Pit and Fraddon Village Hall.
I have also attended a range of online Cornwall Council meetings via Teams(2) video-conferencing. These have included a briefing in advance of the last Full Council meeting, Group Leaders meeting, the Cornish National Minority Working Group (and associated preparatory meeting), five meetings about a White Paper seeking greater devolution for Cornwall, three meetings about local lettings plans for St Dennis and St Enoder, and a meeting for councillors from the China Clay Area.
In addition, I have had informal meetings with a wide range of groups and individuals.
2.0 Meeting with CORMAC
I had a meeting with the local Highway Manager on 29th May about a range of highway-related matters across both St Dennis and St Enoder parishes. The detail of what was discussed is covered in the below sections relating to the two parishes.
3.0 Local Lettings Plans
Staff at Cornwall Council are continuing to discuss the content of local lettings plans for both St Dennis and St Enoder parishes. I held a meeting with a senior housing officer on 28th June.
I can confirm that the present drafts contain a commitment to ensure that all existing rental properties [with legal agreements or nomination agreements] continue to prioritise households with a connection to the host parish. I recently had it confirmed that Cornwall Council will agree to 75% of rental properties, without legal agreements, should also prioritise households from the host parish.
4.0 China Clay Area and Luxulyan Community Area Partnership
At the meeting of the above CAP on 24th June, I was pleased to be re-elected Chairman.
5.0 Full Council
Two motions were discussed and agreed at Full Council on 21st May. These covered concerns about proposed changes to Universal Credit and PIPs (Personal Independence Payments) and the need to treat mental illness on more of a par with physical illness; plus the need to end subsidies for holiday homes.
6.0 Devolution White Paper
The unitary authority has produced a “White Paper” setting out a call for greater devolution for Cornwall, which could be submitted to the new UK Government. The Group Leaders, including myself, were involved in the discussions around the document. But the White Paper is not what I hoped it would be – it does represent “proper devolution.” I have already appealed to the Cabinet to make additional changes to strengthen the document further.
The White Paper opens with a foreword, that states Cornwall is a “proud Celtic nation” and also notes the national minority status of the Cornish people, while calling for a “deeper devolution settlement” that reflects the status Cornwall shares with Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
But that narrative of parity with the other Celtic nations does not extend fully throughout it. It seems to me that, for much of the text, the authors fall into the trap of seeing devolution in the context of English local government.
There is now a period of consultation before the White Paper is finalised and I will be making further representatives
7.0 “Report it”
Over the last month, I have reported a high number of local issues of concern to residents. This has included fly-tipping, potholes and overgrown verges. If you spot a similar problem, you can also report it through Cornwall Council’s website at: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/report-something/
8.0 St Dennis Neighbourhood Plan
As previously reported, a Parish Council working group and I are working on the “direction of travel” document for the Plan, which will then form the basis of the next consultation.
The text for the document is complete and the maps and the images will soon be inserted. The document is likely to be circulated around St Dennis Parish during September.
9.0 Signs
On 7th May, I presented a report to a meeting of St Dennis Parish Council about “Welcome to St Dennis Parish” signs at various points into the Parish, as well as village signs in places like Enniscaven and Gothers. I am pleased that councillors supported the principle of the proposal and I made further enquiries with Cormac about how to proceed at a meeting on 29th May.
10.0 Traffic matters
10.1 Mobile speed visor poles
I am pleased that the Parish Council is progressing with the purchase of mobile speed visors, which can be placed on poles at various locations around the village to encourage people to drive safely with speed limits.
10.2 Feasibility assessment on traffic concerns
At the Parish Council meeting on 7th May, parish councillors discussed a range of issues with traffic congestion, traffic speed, parking and related matters within the heart of the village. The possibility of a one-way system along some roads was suggested. I approached Cornwall Council and requested that a detailed feasibility or assessment be undertaken of the traffic problems in St Dennis.
The response has been less positive than I had hoped, because of budget pressures and the capacity of council staff. It has been agreed that I can produce a briefing document to make a stronger case for the works, which I plan to produce during July.
10.3 Meeting with local Highway Manager
At the meeting on 29th May, and via subsequent phone calls and emails, I raised concerns and / or discussed progress on a highway-related matters across St Dennis Parish.
Topics included:
· Poor quality of road surfaces, including Carne Hill, Hall Road including pavements, Gothers Road and Trelavour Road.
· Lineage in need of repainting. This includes the area near ClayTAWC, Hall Road junction by school, speed humps on Hall Road. etc, and bus stops in Robartes Road.
· Parking issues at the top of Trelavour Road.
· Data collection of speeding traffic in the Enniscaven area.
· Over-grown verges and weeds growing around the village.
· New welcome signs into St Dennis Parish and name-plates for hamlets such as Enniscaven, Gothers and Trerice Terrace.
10.4 Pavement works
I am pleased that, following representations, CORMAC will soon be commencing a significant programme of works to improve the pavements in the Hall Road / Halimote Road / Manson Place part of the village.
11.0 Cornish Lithium
I attended the first two Community Liaison Group meetings at Trelavour.
12.0 Hendra Prazey [PA20/11311]
The application for housing on land at Hendra Prazey was presented to a meeting of the Central Sub-Area Planning Committee for decision on 22nd July. The Chairman of the Parish Council, Julia Clark, spoke and raised concerns about the problems with the site, particularly relating to road safety and the railway bridge. The Cornwall Councillors on the Committee were sympathetic to such concerns, but took the view that the provision of 23 affordable homes outweighed the negatives associated with the site.
The original application had been for affordable rent units (at a discount of about 20% off open-market rents), but I am pleased that, following representations from me and others, this has been changed to social rent properties (at a discount of about 50% off open-market rents). The Land Trust promoting the scheme has also promised that (i) there will be legal agreements that will guarantee the properties will go to households with links to St Dennis Parish and (ii) they will work with the Parish Council in publicising future lettings.
13.0 ClayTAWC
The purchase of the Old School Building by the ClayTAWC organisation of which I am chair is ongoing. It is taking longer than I had hoped but I believe our solicitors have done most of their work and I anticipate the sale to go through in the relatively near future.
I am pleased that there will soon be a community open day to celebrate 25 years of ClayTAWC and this new chapter for the organisation. This will take place on Saturday 31st August. Please look out for more information in the coming days.
14.0 Various roadworks in St Enoder Parish
In recent weeks, there have been a lot of trenching along roads and pavements in various parts of the Parish, relating to cabling for internet services and electrical cabling to the bus depot in St Austell Street, Summercourt.
I have made representations to Cormac about the monitoring of the works and I was disturbed to hear that, on Friday 24th May, the temporary traffic lights at Summercourt crossroads were removed by contractors without informing Cornwall Council that the proper traffic lights needed to be switched back on. I am grateful to the Parish Clerk and others for acting promptly to get this sorted. I made further representations about what happened.
15.0 Traffic matters
15.1 Mobile speed visor poles
Residents will be aware that the Parish Council has placed its speed visors on various streetlights in recent years. I have recently secured agreement that an additional five posts will be erected, where we do not have streetlights in an appropriate location. However, I have been told that Cornwall Council will no longer allow speed visors to be placed on streetlights and I have therefore requested additional poles from Cormac.
15.2 Meeting with local Highway Manager
At the meeting on 29th May, and via subsequent phone calls and emails, I have raised concerns and / or discussed progress on a highway-related matters across St Enoder Parish.
Topics included:
· The flooding problems at Trefullock.
· Poor quality of road surfaces, including section near St Enoder Churchtown and along the road between Arrallas turning and Mitchell, at the zebra crossing in the Chapel Road, Indian Queens, and the red surfacing bear to Summercourt School. The red surfacing has just been repaired.
· A considerable amount of lineage is in need of repainting. This includes junction markings, speed bumps on Chapel Road, bus stop markings in St Francis Road, St Columb Road, by Summercourt School, and Beacon Road, Summercourt.
· Recent issues with roadworks, the cabling through local villages and related issues with traffic lights.
· Blocked road gulley at Summercourt crossroads which has led to repeated flooding in the road. This has been cleaned out, but I will intend to keep monitoring this situation.
· Smells near New Row, Summercourt. It transpires that there has been problems with the treatment plant [electricity supply to the blowers had tripped]. Works have been done, but I also will intend to keep monitoring this situation.
· Concerns also raised about parking on and around the Indian Queens Industrial Estate.
· Complaints about vegetation in various parts of the Parish.
16.0 Planning matters
16.1 Proposed holiday development at St Columb Road [PA23/05462]
Last year, a proposal was submitted for outline planning permission for tourist accommodation to the rear of Silver Birch Gardens, St Columb Road, where an application for housing had been turned down previously. There was considerable opposition to the holiday scheme from local residents. I can confirm that Cornwall Council has refused the application. The main reason was as follows:
It is considered that the proposed scale of tourist development in this location would not be well related to the physical form of the settlement and would be at odds with the prevailing character in this location and would appear as inappropriate tourist development encroaching into the open countryside and landscape which would have a detrimental impact upon the intrinsic rural character. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy 2, 5 and 23 of the Cornwall Local Plan and policies 1, 2 and 5 of the St Enoder Parish Neighbourhood Plan.
16.2 Indian Queens Industrial Estate
Last year, planning permission was secured for the extension of Unit 2 on the industrial estate. This followed failed applications for other proposals in this area, which included a new access of Moorland Road that was opposed by local residents.
On Friday 24th May, I was surprised to see a new entrance had been cut through the hedge into the rear of the plot. I have since found that Cornwall Council streetworks had given consent for a temporary entrance for the delivery of some of the framework for the build. Given the previous discussions about the nature of development on this site, I was somewhat annoyed.
The agent for the developers has also lodged their landscaping plan for the project with the Council. It is not the substantial screening that I expected in lieu of the copse of trees and shrubs that had been removed prior to the submission of the various planning applications.
16.3 Burthy Solar farm [PA23/01893]
The solar farm at Burthy near Fraddon was consented last year. Through the planning process it was agreed that the Parish Council would receive £17,000 per annum, which could be used for community projects or grants to community organisations. The Parish Clerk and I have reviewed the legal agreement and sent comments to the developer to aid redrafting.
17.0 Indian Queens Under-5s
I am pleased to see that the works to refurbish the Pre-School building have commenced. These works are being funded by monies from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
18.0 Fraddon Millennium Green
I am also pleased that works are about to start on improvements to the Green. Contractors will soon be removing the old safety surfacing and we will painting the existing equipment. Once the new safety surfacing is down, a new tractor and slide will be installed. Later in the year, contractors will also be on-site to remove dead trees and trim back vegetation, etc.
The core of works are also being funded by monies from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
19.0 Thomas Playing Field, Summercourt
As reported last month, the company that installed the play equipment has confirmed that it will be revisiting the site to carry out significant repair / replacement works in the near future. It looks likely that these will be undertaken in September, just after the school holidays.
20.0 Newsletter
During May, I distributed a newsletter around St Enoder Parish. Thanks to everyone who helped with this. I did not get everywhere but, at the time of writing, I estimate I covered over 98% of the Parish.
21.0 Advice
In addition, I have assisted numerous households and individuals with guidance and advice on a range of topics.
Posted by Dick Cole at 08:41 0 comments
Thursday 9 May 2024
Time period: 25th March – 28th April 2024
1.0 Council and other meetings
Over the last month, I have attended a range of physical meetings. At Cornwall Council, these have included Full Council, Central Sub-Area Planning Committee, Constitution and Governance, China Clay Area and Luxulyan Community Area Partnership (CAP), a meeting about a White Paper seeking greater devolution for Cornwall and a training day for councilllors.
I have also attended a range of online Cornwall Council meetings via Teams video-conferencing. These included a meeting of the funding panel for the China Clay Area and Luxulyan CAP, a briefing in advance of the last Full Council meeting, Group Leaders meeting, a meeting for councillors from the China Clay Area and a training session on mineral planning.
Other physical meetings have included Annual Assemblies for both St Dennis and St Enoder Parishes, St Dennis Parish Council, St Enoder Parish Council (2), the working group for a Neighbourhood Plan for St Dennis (2) and the St Dennis and Nanpean Community Trust (incinerator fund),
2.0 20mph speed limits
The administration at Cornwall Council is committed to rolling out 20mph speed limits in towns and villages across Cornwall. Detailed proposals have just been published for the China Clay Area. It has been recommended that such speed limits will cover large areas of St Dennis and Trerice Terrace; Fraddon, Indian Queens, St Columb Road, Summercourt and Trevarren. A new 40mph limit is also suggested along Parka Hill, between Fraddon and St Columb Road.
More details on the consultation can be found at https://www.engagespace.co.uk/cornwall/
The consultation started on 16th April and will run until 10th May. I am encouraging people, whether they are in favour or against the proposal, to respond to the consultation.
3.0 Renewable energy
Last month, I reported that I had requested a meeting with representatives of Celtic Sea Power, a company which is leading on a project relating to the off-shore generation of energy that may link into the Indian Queens Power Station. I can report that a meeting has been arranged for 14th May.
4.0 Cornwall Local Plan
Last month, I also reported back on the work towards a new Local Plan. I can confirm that there was a briefing for local parish councils at the last meeting of the China Clay Area and Luxulyan CAP, held on 22nd April.
5.0 National minority status
Over the last month, I have also been involved with activities to mark the tenth anniversary of the recognition of the Cornish as a “national minority” by the UK Government through the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. In particular, I have been raising concerns about how the UK Government has (i) failed to meet its obligations to the Cornish as set out in the Framework Convention and (ii) failed to keep promises made in 2014.
6.0 St Dennis Neighbourhood Plan
I am pleased to have attended two meetings of the working group for a Neighbourhood Plan for St Dennis. We will soon be commencing work on a new document, setting out the “direction of travel” for the Plan, which will then form the basis of the next consultation. Progress with the document will be considered at our next meeting at the end of May.
7.0 Multi-use trail to the Goss Moor
I am continuing to work with the Parish Council with regard to the project to create a multi-use trail between St Dennis and the Goss Moor national nature reserve. Following discussions with staff at Cornwall Council, I have drafted letters for the Parish Council to send to the owners of sections of the trackbed to see if they would be willing to partner with us on this project.
In addition, I am liaising directly with Network Rail and Natural England.
8.0 Signs
A resident has contacted me about the need for village signs at Enniscaven. This was discussed at the last meeting of the Parish Council and it was also felt that it might be nice to have signs at some other locations as well, plus “Welcome to St Dennis Parish” signs at various points into the Parish. I have been working on a report that will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.
9.0 Waste bins
In addition, some residents have asked the Parish Council about the possibility of extra waste bins in St Dennis. I am working with the Parish Clerk on a formal request to the unitary authority for a number of additional bins.
10.0 Cornish Lithium
I attended an update meeting with staff from Cornish Lithium at their offices on 27th March and, as the local Cornwall Councillor, I have accepted a place on their proposed Community Liaison Group. The first meeting of this group will be taking place on 2nd May.
11.0 Litter picking
I was pleased to attend St Dennis Parish Council’s community litter pick on 10th April. I really enjoyed clearing the stretch of road between the Domellick car park and the entrance to the power station – a distance of about 200m.
I had cleared this area only 12 months ago, but I was still able to pick up five bags of waste, some shelving and a few fragments of cars (see above).
12.0 Central Sub-Area Planning Committee
I referred the application for five dwellings off Pit Lane, Indian Queens (PA23/09094), to a meeting of the above committee, which took place on 8th April. This proposal is on land that had been part-developed without first securing planning permission in the past. The Parish Council raised a strong objection to this proposal and Cllr Ross Wimberley spoke at the meeting.
The application was recommended for approval, but there was a unanimous refusal from the Cornwall Councillors on the committee – bar one abstention. The reason for refusal was as follows:
"The application site is in the countryside and the proposal, by reason of introducing up to five new homes onto the site, would harm the character of the site and surrounding landscape. The proposal is not 'rounding off' of a settlement under Policy 3 in the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 and/or Housing Policies 2 and 3 of the St Enoder Parish Neighbourhood Plan as a barrier does not exist along the southern boundary of the application site to prevent further residential development in the future and as the nearest settlement envelope to the site is some 100 metres away to the north. It is also not development of previously developed land immediately adjoining a settlement under Policy 3 in the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 due to the separation distance between site and nearest settlement envelope and as the actual extent of previously developed land on the application site is unknown. In the absence of special circumstances to allow new homes in the countryside, the proposal is contrary to the aims and intentions of policies 2, 3, 7, 12 and 23 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030; Housing Policy 2, Housing Policy 3, Landscape Policy 1 and Landscape Policy 2 of the St Enoder Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2030; and paragraphs 135 and 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023."
13.0 Sea View Terrace
For many years, I have been making representations about the road at Sea View Terrace on the road between Fraddon and St Stephen. Highway officers have carried out an assessment and it was chosen as one of 30 locations across Cornwall for a “local safety scheme.” A consultation was recently undertaken around a new 40mph speed limit through the settlement, enhanced gateway signage and improved parking for local residents.
14.0 Thomas Playing Field, Summercourt
In 2019, St Enoder Parish Council installed new play equipment in the playing field in Summercourt. There have been some problems with the installation, which included the rusting of some of the equipment, some slumpage in the groundworks and the discoloration of the safety surface. Cllr Mark Kessell and I have been making regular representations to the suppliers and a site meeting was held on 28th March.
I am pleased to report that the company has confirmed that it will be revisiting the site to carry out significant repair / improvement works in the near future.
15.0 Newsletter
I have just produced a newsletter, which I am now distributing around St Enoder Parish.
16.0 Advice
In addition, I have assisted numerous households and individuals with guidance and advice on a range of topics.
Posted by Dick Cole at 08:25 0 comments
Tuesday 9 April 2024
Time period: First quarter of 2024
1.0 Funding applications
I am pleased that I can start with some good news. In the late summer of last year, I worked with two local organisations to submit funding applications to Cornwall Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Fund. I am extremely pleased that both applications have been successful.
The first application was for £70,000 for the Indian Queens Under-Fives Pre-School. The money will be used to make improvements to their existing Pre-School building. The cladding around the exterior of the structure has been failing for a number of years, and new external cladding will be installed. In addition, the internal walls of the Centre will be replaced, a new non-slip floor surface will be installed and the kitchen will be refurbished.
The second application was for £42,000 for the Fraddon Millennium Green Trust. The funding will install a wooden tractor and trailer slide (in the location of the locomotive that had to be removed in 2023) and the replacement of the existing safety surfacing across the park with a newer “wetpour” surface.
I am also chuffed because this means that the total amount of funding I have secured through grant applications, specifically for works in my division, has now passed one million pounds.
I can also confirm that St Enoder Parish Council will be supporting both of the above projects with funding.
2.0 Council and other meetings
Over the last few months, I have attended a range of physical meetings. At Cornwall Council, these have included Full Council (3), Cabinet (3), Strategic Planning, Customers and Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee (4), Constitution and Governance Committee, meeting of Chairs of the various Community Area Partnerships (CAPs), a meeting with officers about the Council’s Equality and Diversity Strategy, China Clay Area and Luxulyan Community Area Partnership (CAP), meetings about the production of a White Paper seeking greater devolution for Cornwall (2), and a meeting about data relating to my role as chair of unitary authority’s National Minority Working Group.
I have also attended a range of online Cornwall Council meetings via Teams / Zoom video-conferencing. These have included “pre-meetings” for Customers and Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee (3), informal meeting of Constitution and Governance Committee, Scrutiny Improvement Review Informal Working Group (6), National Minority Working Group, session with officers and senior councillors about the Homechoice Review, meetings about a strategy for the GRT community, a briefing on the Mid Cornwall Metro project, meetings about the production of a White Paper (2), a meeting of councillors from the China Clay and Luxulyan Community Area Partnership, Group Leaders meeting, and briefings in advance of the January and February Full Councils. In addition, I attended a Teams meeting about the possibility of a multi-use trail for St Dennis, plus meetings about road safety measures at Seaview Terrace, local lettings plans (3) and 20mph limits in the China Clay Area.
Other physical meetings have included St Dennis Parish Council (3), St Enoder Parish Council (5) plus a meeting between the Council and the local football teams at the Indian Queens Recreation Ground, neighbourhood plan meeting for St Dennis Parish, Cornish Lithium “coffee morning” sessions at ClayTAWC (2), St Dennis and Nanpean Community Trust, the Incinerator Liaison Group, meetings of the Indian Queens Pit Committee (2) and a number of meetings at ClayTAWC.
In addition, I have had informal meetings with a wide range of groups and individuals.
3.0 Cornwall Council budget
The Cornwall Council budget for 2024-2025 was agreed at the Full Council meeting on 20th February. Put simply, the Deputy Leader of the Council argued that the Conservative administration was doing a fine job in difficult circumstances, but had no option other than to make cuts, reduce reserves and increase council tax by the maximum allowable amount – all at the same time. But credit where credit is due, Cllr David Harris was forthright in talking about the “financial abyss” facing councils and acknowledged that, if funding arrangements for local government do not change, Cornwall Council will be “bust” within two years.
Speaking on behalf of the Mebyon Kernow / Green Group, which did not support the budget, I pointed out – once again – that Cornwall has a majority Conservative Council, all Cornish MPs are Tories, and the Government in Westminster is also Conservative.
It is indeed time that they collectively delivered, in the words of Cllr Harris, “a longer term funding settlement … based on a fair funding formula” plus a “significant financial intervention” from central government.
4.0 Homechoice
I have written previously about the review into the Homechoice system, through which publicly-owned rental properties are allocated, and how I have outlined my concerns. A meeting was organised for 30th November 2023 for me to discuss my concerns in detail. A number of officers were present including the Service Director for Planning and Housing (Chief Planning Officer) and the Head of Planning and Housing Policy, plus the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing.
I recently found that my views were not being taken on board and the ruling Cabinet took the decision, in spite of my challenges, to proceed with their changes to the Homechoice system. I was actively considering “calling-in” the review to a scrutiny committee but discovered that, following the second consultation, the review had been downgraded by the administration from a “key” to a “non-key” decision. This effectively has removed my right to “call-in” the decision. I have challenged this and I am awaiting a response from senior council officers.
I have, nonetheless, had additional meetings about possible “local lettings plans” for the two parishes I represent, which I am continuing to follow up.
5.0 Housing Supplementary Planning Document
At the meeting of Cornwall Council’s Cabinet on 14th February, the administration agreed to task officers to redraft the existing Housing SPD. This followed the changes to the Homechoice system noted above. I challenged the ten members of the Cabinet to broaden the work out to involve the membership of the wider council membership, but my requests were ignored.
6.0 20mph limits
One of the key policies of the administration at Cornwall Council is 20mph limits in built-up areas. This policy is being rolled out, area by area. The Falmouth-Penryn and Camelford networks were completed in 2024, and council staff are now working up detailed proposals for a second tranche of areas, including Clay Country.
The proposed extent of these speed limits for our local villages is quite extensive and there will be a detailed consultation in the very near-future, which I will do my best to promote locally. I believe the consultation is due to start in mid April. Please look out for it and make sure that the unitary authority hears your views.
Officers at Cornwall Council have been looking at issues on the road from Penhale, through Fraddon and St Columb Road, to the Halloon roundabout. I can report that I had meeting to consider whether any of the suggestions emanating from that study could be brought forward in tandem with the new speed limits. I am disappointed at the progress I am making on this, but I am continuing to make representations.
7.0 New approach to waste collection
The new waste collection (fortnightly waste and recycling collections in alternative weeks) has commenced across most of my division, and I had a few queries about what has been happening.
8.0 “Level 2 devolution deal”
On 28th November 2023, the ten-strong ruling Cabinet on Cornwall Council voted to proceed with the so-called “level 2 devolution deal.” But it is not about devolution at all. It is simply a range of very limited accommodations between central government and Cornwall’s unitary authority. I was not surprised that the editorial in the Cornish Guardian, in early December, stated that the deal “doesn’t amount to much.”
I remain disappointed that the “deal” is so insubstantial. But one thing that did please me is that the administration in Truro acknowledges Cornwall needs deeper devolution. It has committed itself to producing a White Paper “making the case for much greater autonomy over Cornwall’s political and economic life.” This will involve a cross-party “reference group” made up of the leaders of the five political groups on the authority. The language in the report about the White Paper is certainly more ambitious and notes that the document would be a ”new and bold vision for a historic national-Cornwall constitutional settlement.” It adds that “the White Paper will give further amplification to Cornwall’s credentials as a nation that can contribute even more to creating a stronger and more sustainable United Kingdom.”
I am actively participating in this project. I have attended a series of meetings already and I am also feeding information to the team from the Local Government Information Unit that are engaged with the project.
9.0 Local consultation events
I have also attended a couple of consultation events for proposals in Clay Country, which lie outside my division. These were about the proposed solar farm at Trelion near St Stephen (St Stephen Community Centre) and the British Lithium project at Goonbarrow and surrounding areas (Roche Victory Hall).
In terms of the Trelion proposal, I understand that the proposal, if consented, would like to link to the Indian Queens Power Station with cabling through clayworks. I was shocked to see that they have a second “fall-back” option, to cable a distance of 7km along roads in St Enoder Parish, extending past Sea View Terrace, along the old A30 through Fraddon and Indian Queens, and past Gaverigan to the power station.
10.0 Renewable energy
At the most recent meeting of the Customers and Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, representatives of Celtic Sea Power gave a presentation about their business plan. This is a long-term project relating to the off-shore generation of energy and the firm is talking about how they might link into the Indian Queens Power Station. No detail is being given at this stage in the development of the scheme, but I have formally requested a meeting to better understand their intentions and what this might mean for our area.
11.0 Cornwall Local Plan
The unitary authority is starting to do background work on how it approaches the production of a new Local Plan for Cornwall, which will set the key planning framework for Cornwall until 2050. Central government expects the work to be completed in a very short period (30 months), though there is a lack of clarity about what is expected of the unitary authority.
I attended a recent briefing about this and I am in the process of ensuring that this briefing will also be shared with a future meeting of the China Clay Area and Luxulyan CAP.
It is likely that the main work will commence in the middle part of 2025, but I am concerned about the processes being put in place to guide the work. I am presently questioning to what extent elected councillors will be able to influence what is happening, which will be driven by senior officers and the leadership of Cornwall Council.
12.0 Road problems
The weather over the last few weeks has been really damaging to the local road network, while there have been a large number of flooding problems. I have been out on a regular basis to visit areas where I know there can be problems, so that I can make a number of representations to Cornwall Council / Cormac.
13.0 Community Chest
As the local Cornwall Councillor, I am allocated £3,000 to grant to local community organisations. I can confirm that, for 2023-24, I supported ClayTAWC (supplies for small foodbank), Indian Queens Pit, Indian Queens Under-5s Pre-School, St Dennis Bells and Ringers, St Dennis Youth Football, St Enoder Youth Club and Summercourt Academy PTFA.
14.0 20mph limits
See paragraph 6.0 for an update on the Cornwall Council plans for 20mph limits.
15.0 Planning matters
I have updates on a couple of applications.
· Battery storage areas [PA23/04504 / PA23/06527]. The first of these applications have been approved, while I understand from the planning officer that he is minded to approve the second application as well. The two proposals, each for 50MW, will collectively replace an extant consent for 100MW, which was approved on 2nd February 2022.
· Construction of a house [PA23/04860]. St Dennis Parish Council has raised a strong objection to this proposal for a single dwelling on Hendra Road, next to Jubilee Terrace. It has been refused by Cornwall Council for the following reason:
The proposal would, by reason of the scale and proportions of the plot would be at odds with the prevailing character of the village and fail to provide continuity with the existing built form and character of the surrounding locality. The development would be contrary to the aims of Policies 1, 2, 12 and 21 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030, paragraphs 8, 11, 124, 126 and 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023.
· Lithium hydroxide demonstration facility [PA23/09395]. A “prior approval” for this development at the Trelavour Dryers has also been agreed.
16.0 St Dennis Neighbourhood Plan
It is also unclear what the production of a Cornwall Local Plan will mean for neighbourhood plans, but I am pleased that St Dennis Parish Council’s NDP working group has started to meet again. The last meeting was on 20th March and the next three meetings have already been timetabled in.
17.0 Possible multi-use trail
On 18th December 2023, a number of senior officers including the Head of Connectivity and Transport Policy met with me to discuss my representations about the possibility of the creation of a multi-use trail along the old railway line between St Dennis and the Goss Moor nature reserve. The team at Cornwall Council has asked the Parish Council and I to approach those individuals who own sections of the trackbed to understand whether they would be supportive of such a project. St Dennis Parish Council has agreed to making such an approach.
18.0 ClayTAWC
Following the confirmation of the funding to purchase the Old School Building for ClayTAWC, it has been great to start the conveyancing process.
19.0 Cornish Lithium
I popped into a couple of coffee mornings hosted by Cornish Lithium on 20th January and 17th February. I also attended a meeting to discuss their work programme and their geotechnical assessments around the skytips as a summary of the findings is anticipated to be published quite soon.
20.0 Signs
I have been approached about the lack of nameplate signs in places such as Enniscaven. I have raised this with the Parish Council at a recent meeting and there was also discussion about “welcome” signs on entry points into the Parish. I am preparing a report about such signage for a future meeting of the Council.
21.0 Grant applications for Indian Queens Under-5s and the Fraddon Millennium Green
See paragraph 1.0 for an update on these two successful applications.
22.0 20mph limits
See paragraph 6.0 for an update on the Cornwall Council plans for 20mph limits.
23.0 Seaview Terrace
I have also been following up on the commitment from Cornwall Council to install some road safety improvements at Seaview Terrace, between Fraddon and St Stephen. I had hoped that the works would be done by now, but there have been delays. I can report that Cornwall Council is reviewing the nature of the proposed works.
24.0 Planning matters
As always, there continue to be a number of significant planning applications in St Enoder Parish. Listed below are a few applications with updates.
· Solar farm at Burthy Row / Chytane, Fraddon (PA23/01893). This application was considered at a meeting of the unitary authority’s Strategic Planning Committee on 14th December. It was approved by Cornwall Councillors. In the lead-up to this meeting, I made representations about the proposed community benefit associated with the scheme and ensured that it was increased from a proposed one-off payment of £150,000 to an annual payment £17,000 per annum for a period of 40 years [£680,000]. I also sought and secured additional screening for one property near the development.
· Tourist accommodation to rear of Silver Birch Gardens, St Columb Road (PA23/05462). A number of local people and the Parish Council have objected to development in this area. The scheme has been modified and the number of units restricted to a maximum of 19. There is a fresh consultation on the proposal.
· Nine dwellings to the east of Motor Showroom, Summercourt (PA23/08722). This application has been supported by the Parish Council. There had previously been a consent for houses on the site and there have been no objections from local residents.
· Five dwellings off Pit Lane, Indian Queens (PA23/09094). This application is in an enclosure, which had been part-developed without first securing planning permission in the past. The Parish Council has objected to this proposal and it will be heard at a meeting of Cornwall Council’s Central Planning Committee in the near-future.
· One residential dwelling in place of the old pumping station, Higher Fraddon (PA23/07359). A number of local residents objected to this proposal, but it was passed by Cornwall Council because it was on previously developed land.
24.0 Flooding at Trefullock
As noted above, the recent weather has caused some localised flooding around my division. One of the worst affected areas was the road through Trefullock near Summercourt. Along with the Parish Clerk, I have been making a lot of representations to Cornwall Council about the situation.
25.0 Thomas Playing Field, Summercourt
In 2019, new play equipment was installed into the playing field at Summercourt. Since then, there have been some issues with rust on some of the equipment, plus problems with localised slumps in the groundworks and the safety surfacing.
I have been making representations to the suppliers / installers with Cllr Mark Kessell and other parish councillors, and I am pleased to be able to report that we are nearing agreement for a significant refresh of the area in order to resolve all the concerns that we have raised.
26.0 Indian Queens School
I was also pleased to attend Indian Queens School recently and to be one of a number of speakers about their careers. I spoke my work as an archaeologist, rather than politics.
27.0 Advice
In addition, I have assisted numerous households and individuals with guidance.
Posted by Dick Cole at 14:03 0 comments