Friday 29 October 2021


Time period: 27th September – 25th October

1.0 Council and other meetings

In terms of physical meetings during the last four weeks, I attended Full Council and the Economic Growth & Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee at Cornwall Council, as well as meetings of St Dennis Parish Council and St Enoder Parish Council. A meeting of the Customer & Support Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee had to be cancelled, because of problems with people trying to access the meeting via video-conferencing.

Other meetings via TEAMS or ZOOM video-conferencing included an informal development session of the Customer & Support Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee, an informal development session on housing for the Economic Growth & Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee and a budget briefing, the Cornish National Minority Working Group, the China Clay Area Community Network Panel and the advisory group for the Local Heritage List Pilot for Clay Country.

Some of the above meetings are referenced elsewhere in this report, and I had a number of further online meetings about a range of local issues.

2.0 Cornwall Council approach to 20mph speed limits

I attended the Economic Growth and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5th October, which had an item about the roll-out of 20mph limits across Cornwall.

The key recommendation in the report was that (i) a number of 20mph schemes would be installed across Cornwall as part of a pilot project, which would be in advance of a Cornwall-wide default position, and (ii) the wider scheme would be fully considered by the Scrutiny Committee in October 2022. It was supported by the members of the Committee.

The report stated that a “default approach is the acknowledgement that 30mph is not the appropriate speed for roads that are primarily residential in nature or town / city streets where pedestrian and cyclist movements are high … communities would not need to request a site be assessed for suitability, as it is a policy commitment to work towards a Cornwall-wide default (with roads remaining 30mph by exception).”

I have sought clarity on how the Council would assess which roads would remain “30mph by exception,” especially as in many areas there are key roads, such as A roads, which go through the heart of local villages. I feel it is important that communities know what to expect from this scheme, while the Police have also raised concerns about the enforcement of such lower speed limits. I will continue to report back as I get more information on this Cornwall Council initiative.

3.0 Local Highways Scheme

Cornwall Council makes highway improvements in a number of ways. This includes central government funding for certain key roads, as well as core funding to deal with locations that have been identified as a priority, often because of the number of accidents. There has also been a “Members Scheme” (2018-2021) for smaller improvements, through which the works outside Summercourt School and the double yellow lines near Wesley Place, St Dennis, are to being funded.

I am pleased to be able to report that Cornwall Council has announced it will be launching a new Local Highways Scheme for Cornwall Councillors for the period 2022-2026. A total of £183,456 will be made available to the China Clay Area (through £45,864 for each of the next four years). Councillors in Clay Country have always worked together to spread such funding equally between the different divisions, which means that there should be over £45,000 to spend on small schemes across the St Dennis & St Enoder division. I am already starting to think about potential schemes that would not be funded by other means and, once this programme commences in 2022, I will be discussing options with St Dennis Parish Council and St Enoder Parish Council.

4.0 Flooding

The heavy rainfall on 19th and 20th October caused significant problems in terms of flooding and damage to the local road network across my division. I have been liaising with Cornwall Council / Cormac in regard to what happened at a number of locations.

5.0 Cornish National Minority Working Group

I am pleased to have been elected as the Chairman of the unitary authority’s Cornish National Minority Working Group, which is tasked to ensure that Cornwall Council and other public bodies meet their obligations to the Cornish in line with the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. It lobbies central government to meet their obligations as well.

6.0 Cornwall Council budget

In recent weeks, there have been numerous statements from the new administration at Cornwall Council about pressures on budgets. This has included a review of staffing and plans for a large number of redundancies, the potential closure of council offices and the removal of certain leisure centres from the Council’s leisure contract. I will report more fully in my next monthly report.

7.0 Community Chest

As a Cornwall Councillor, I have been allocated £3,000 which I can distribute to local community organisations. Grants should be above £100 and the maximum grant is usually £1,000. If you are interested in applying, please get in contact with me.


8.0 Social /affordable rent properties in St Dennis

Since I was elected as the Cornwall Councillor for the parish of St Dennis, I have received a number of complaints that families and individuals (with a local connection to St Dennis Parish) have been struggling to get access to social / affordable rental properties in the village.

8.1 Wesley Place development

In particular, I was told that none of the ten housing units constructed by Coastline Housing at Wesley Place went to local families. I have looked into this and it has been confirmed to me that all of the units went to households from outside of the Parish (from locations such as Bodmin, Newquay, St Austell, Truro and elsewhere in Clay Country).

For most new developments that include affordable housing, there is a legal agreement (Section 106) which specifies that priority for the affordable dwellings should go to households with a connection to the local Parish.

In terms of the development at Wesley Place, planning permission was given for ten open market properties (PA17/05442). The site was then purchased by Coastline Housing, which developed the houses as affordable rent units (ie. 80% of market rents). There was no Section 106 agreement, but the scheme was funded by Cornwall Council and the advert for the lettings in August / September 2019 stated there was a “local lettings plan.” I have been told by a council officer that “Coastline has advised that the properties were not easy to allocate to people with a local connection to St Dennis.” But I simply cannot comprehend how a “local lettings policy” can fail to allocate a single housing unit to a family with a parish connection to St Dennis.

8.2 Recent re-lets

Following on from what I found out about Wesley Court, I asked for information about who secured properties through recent re-lets of existing properties in St Dennis. Of the last ten re-lets, only one had a section 106 legal agreement that specified a parish connection. This went to a household with a local parish connection. In terms of the remaining nine properties (without section 106 agreements), only three went to St Dennis households.

8.3 Extent of publicly-owned rental properties in St Dennis

Following on from this, I have had a closer look at the nature of publicly-owned rental properties in St Dennis.

Figures from Cornwall Council state that there are 236 such homes in the Parish, split between Ocean Housing (177), LiveWest (33), Sanctuary (16) and Coastline (10). The split is 38 one-bed units, 50 two-bed units, 142 three-bed units, five four-bed units and a single five-bed property,

A large number of the properties are over 15 years old and therefore do not have a Section 106 or a nomination agreements – which would give preference to local people. I have looked at more recent developments to investigate how many of the social / affordable rent homes have legal or nomination agreements to ensure that properties go to households with a parish connection.

I have identified the following planning applications:

Downs Close (C2/08/01605)
This development of three social rent properties has a S106 agreement specifying a parish connection.

Hendra Heights (C2/06/01242)
The original approval was for 39 dwellings, of which 12 were for shared ownership and subject to a S106 agreement. Restormel Borough Council ensured that 17 of the remaining dwellings would be for social rent through grant funding and these were developed by Ocean Housing. Re-let adverts for these houses specify that a legal agreement gives priority to households from the parish of St Dennis.

Hendra Heights (PA17/00826)
Further to the above, this left permission for ten large open market dwellings, which were replaced by a permission for 26 smaller homes. Six of these were for intermediate sale, and Cornwall Council grant funded 16 of the remaining properties for affordable rent. These are owned by Sanctuary Housing. I have been told by council officers that there should be a local nominations agreement, but I have found that new and re-let adverts for these housing units do not refer to any need for a parish connection.

8.4 Homechoice data

The last time I asked for data from Homechoice was in July 2021. This showed that the database then contained 122 households (seeking rental accommodation) with a local connection to St Dennis. It should be noted that 30 of these households were already occupying affordable homes but looking to move.

Of the ten households in Band A (made up of households in greatest need or existing tenants who were looking to down-size, thereby also freeing up a large property), nine were existing tenants who wished to down-size. It should be noted that there were 31 households in Bands B-C (ie. those deemed in significant need), though ten were already occupying affordable homes.

Taking this into account, I simply struggle to understand why Coastline were unable to house any local families at Wesley Place.

8.5 Representations to Cornwall Council / registered providers

Once I have discussed this information with St Dennis Parish Council, I will be making further and more detailed representations to the unitary authority, and the owners of the local public housing stock, about the need to better prioritise the needs of St Dennis families.

9.0 Proposed solar farm at Trerice Manor Farm

I previously reported that Statkraft UK had sought a screening opinion (PA21/08542) from Cornwall Council to see if they would need to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment as part of their upcoming application for a solar farm in the parish of St Dennis.

Cornwall Council has decided that an EIA and Environmental Statement is not required. It should be noted that this is consistent with the unitary authority’s view that an EIA is not needed for a solar farm (PA21/06846) located just outside St Enoder Parish near Dairyland. But Cornwall Council has decided that the other solar farm (PA21/08039) proposed by Statkraft UK at Tresithney Farm near St Columb Road does need an EIA because the development “would be likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of the scale, location and cumulative impact of the development proposed.”

I have written to a senior planning officer to seek a greater explanation about why an EIA was not deemed necessary for all these large solar farm applications, especially given the cumulative industrialisation of the landscape within St Dennis Parish.

10.0 Incinerator update

The latest update from SUEZ has confirmed that the annual planned shutdown for maintenance of the incinerator plant will be taking place during October and November. Line 2 will be shut down on 29th October and will come back into service during the week commencing 8th November. Line 1 will be shut down on 20th November and will come back into service during the week commencing 29th November.

SUEZ have also told members of the Community Forum that they anticipate dealing with 11% more waste than in previous years. This means they will be dealing with more than the 240,000 tonnes agreed at the time of the planning consent. To allow this, they have already secured an Environmental Agency permit which consents the processing of upto 280,000 tonnes of waste.

11.0 Ditch to rear of Hall Road

I have been contacted by local residents about a ditch which takes water from the downs above St Dennis and runs down the eastern side of properties on Hall Road. Concerns were raised about the ditch eroding the banks at the rear of properties. I accompanied one of Cornwall Council’s land drainage officers to the area on 18th October and we also looked at the ditches on the downs, which CORMAC are tasked to maintain. I am presently awaiting further feedback from him.

12.0 Speed readings on Hendra Road

Amongst the highway issues brought to my attention has been the speeding traffic on the southern-most part of Hendra Road, which lies outside of the stretch that previously had some traffic calming. I asked Cornwall Council to monitor traffic speeds in this area. This was done between 13th and 20th August and I recently received the results.

The average speed of north-bound traffic was 28.3mph, though 33.7% of vehicles were travelling at speeds of between 30 and 40mph, with 1.7% going over 40mph. Traffic coming south was quicker. The average speed of south-bound traffic was 33.6mph, but 60.5% of vehicles were travelling at speeds of between 30 and 40mph, with 11.3% going over 40mph.

Calming measures in this area is one of the potential schemes that could be considered through the new Local Highways Scheme (see Section 3.0), which will start in 2022. I can supply the results of the recent monitoring to anyone who would like to see them.


13.0 Highway matters

Listed below are those highway matters where I have updates. Further information about other representations I have been making (for example, the review of road safety issues from Penhale to Halloon Roundabout, parking problems at Penhale, etc) will be included in upcoming reports.

13.1 Summercourt School

Work to install the safety measures outside Summercourt School commenced on 25th-29th October). This includes the extension of the 30mph limit to the east, a “variable” 20mph speed limit during school drop-off and pick-up times, a dual-purpose vehicle-activated sign on the eastern side of the School which will flash if vehicles are going over 30mph but show the 20mph limit during school drop-off and pick-up times, and another illuminated sign to the west of the School which will show the 20mph limit at appropriate times of the day.

Some of the electrical work may take place after the initial installation, with signs becoming operational in early-mid November. I must however add that the dual-purpose vehicle-activated sign will not arrive until December, but in the meantime there will be a temporary illuminated sign showing the 20mph limit during school drop-off and pick-up times.

13.2 New footway between Harvenna Heights estate and Indian Queens School

I am relieved to be able to report that works on the new footway commenced on 20th October. The works are being carried out by Eric Roberts Contractors.

13.3 Proposed works on A3058 through Summercourt

I am also pleased that the 21-day consultation on the A3058 improvements (through the Safer Roads scheme) between Quintrell Downs roundabout and Summercourt crossroads, commenced on 20th October and continues until 10th November.

The consultation paperwork can be viewed at:

The proposals are split between nine sections of the road – each with an individual consultation. The key areas are:

Area 6 – widening of highway near Goonhoskyn.
Area 7 – widening of highway by turning to the bypass to the north of Summercourt / extension of 30 mph limit on Beacon Road plus vehicle-activated speed sign and a pedestrian island.
Area 8 – signalised crossings on three arms of Summercourt crossroads linked to the traffic lights.
Area 9 – vehicle-activated sign on St Austell St. [Please note that although the proposal was for the road to the north of the crossroads, I was able to persuade Cornwall Council to add this sign on the southern approach to the village].
13.4 Zebra crossings on Chapel Road and St Francis Road, Indian Queens

However, I am very disappointed to report that the installation of the two zebra crossings (on Chapel Road and St Francis Road in Indian Queens) has not started during half-term week (25th-29th October) as arranged. Cornwall Council has put back these works to the half-term week in February 2022.

13.5 Speed readings in Chapel Town, Summercourt

Following requests from local residents, I asked Cornwall Council to monitor traffic speeds in Chapel Town. This was done between 13th and 20th August and I recently received the results.

The average speed of traffic going in a south-west direction was 38mph. Very few drivers were staying within the speed limit with 54.6% going between 30 and 40mph, and 34.1% going over 40mph. Traffic going north-east was a little slower, with average speeds being 32.8mph. It should be noted that 54.9% of vehicles were nonetheless travelling at speeds of between 30 and 40mph, with 12.8% going over 40mph.

Calming measures in this area is one of the potential schemes that could be considered through the new Local Highways Scheme (see Section 3.0), which will start in 2022. I can supply the results of the recent monitoring to anyone who would like to see them.

14.0 Higher Fraddon (PA21/05945)

An application for seven new properties on the site of derelict farm buildings at Higher Fraddon has been approved. It is in place of an extant planning permission for five housing units allowed via a new mechanism known as “Q Class” which allows buildings on farm holdings to be converted into dwellings as long as they are structurally sound. The applicants argued that two more of the buildings could be converted through a different policy mechanism.

Discussions with Cornwall Council focused on the development being better than the ad hoc conversions of existing buildings, and the officers and I made sure that the new dwellings would be restricted to the area of the farm buildings and not extend into the surrounding agricultural ground.

The consent has 12 conditions. One condition limits working hours on the site (8.00AM-6.00PM on weekdays; no working on Sundays or bank holidays), while another has removed permitted development rights (ruling out modifications that elsewhere can be undertaken without planning permission).

15.0 Social /affordable rent properties in the parish of St Enoder

In addition to the research I have been doing into the provision of affordable housing in St Dennis, I have also requested information on the results of lettings in St Enoder Parish during the last three years. I will present my findings in my next monthly report.

16.0 Other projects

In recent weeks, I have also been liaising with the Clerk of St Enoder Parish Council on a number of local projects, including the construction of the public toilet in Indian Queens Recreation Ground and the repairs to the wall around the closed cemetery in St Enoder Churchtown.

17.0 Indian Queens Victory Hall

It was lovely to attend some of the events celebrating the centenary of the official opening of the Victory Hall on 21st October, which was built to commemorate the fallen of the First World War from Indian Queens, St Columb Road and surrounding areas. I would like to say a massive well done to everyone involved in the arrangements.

A detailed narrative about the construction of the Victory Hall can be found in our book “Trusting Fully Trusting: Remembering the men of Fraddon, Indian Queens, St Columb Road and Summercourt who lost their lives in the First World War.” It is still available from St Enoder Parish Council for only £12.00.

Wednesday 6 October 2021


My most recent report covers the time period 30th August – 26th September. It is as follows:

1.0 Council and other meetings

In terms of physical meetings, during the last four weeks I attended the Constitution & Governance Committee, a session about Clay Country with senior officers from the Economic Growth & Development directorate, two St Dennis Parish Council meetings (Full Council and Cemetery Committee), an open meeting about the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for St Dennis, and three St Enoder Parish Council meetings (Planning Committee, General Purposes Committee and Staffing Committee).

Other meetings via TEAMS or ZOOM video-conferencing included Cabinet, an informal development session of the Economic Growth & Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee, a briefing in advance of the Cornwall Council meeting on 28th September and a related Group Leaders meeting, a meeting of elected members from the China Clay Area, the China Clay Community Support Group, a planning training workshop on heritage, and the Community-Led Local Development Local Action Group. There were one-to-one meetings with Kate Kennally (Cornwall Council Chief Executive) and Ashley Shopland from Imerys, plus a meeting to explore the possibility of a multi-use trail from St Dennis to the Goss Moor Trail.

Some of the above meetings are referenced elsewhere in this report, and I had a number of further online meetings about a range of local issues.

I also attended a meeting of the Indian Queens Pit charity, of which I am a trustee.

2.0 A Strategy for the China Clay Area

On 2nd September, the four councillors for Clay Country hosted senior officers from the Economic Growth & Development Directorate (including the Strategic Director for Economic Growth & Development; the Director of the Local Enterprise Partnership & Service Director for Growth; Service Director for Planning & Sustainable Development; Service Director for Transport; and Head of Housing Delivery & Development) at the impressive new Venton Conference Centre at Chapel Town, Summercourt. I took the lead in presenting the “Towards a Strategy” document for Clay Country, which we had produced with the support of staff linked to the Clay Area Community Network.

I was pleased with how the meeting went and we have been promised follow-up meetings to consider requests within the document. In an email (dated 24th September) about economic support for towns, the Cabinet Member for the Economy confirmed that “the Clay Country members” would “receive funding to produce plans to develop their economic future.”

The specific “asks” were as follows, with the priority requests for the EG&D directorate shown underlined:

Jobs and economy

· Produce an up-to-date and bespoke employment strategy to support and expand key strategic sites, while bringing forward incubator units for smaller or new businesses.

· Support the continuance of the china clay industry and the emergence of lithium extraction in Clay Country.

· Commission a business survey to improve knowledge of the local business community and its needs.

· Create a formal forum for local businesses.

· Develop a strategy to grow recreational and tourism businesses.

· Audit broadband coverage to inform strategy to improve quality across the Area.

Transport and accessibility

· Audit current usage of public transport in the China Clay Area and carry our research into linkages between various communities.

· Support for increased services on the Par-Newquay rail branch line.

· Establish “on demand” community-based transport schemes to provide better linkages across the China Clay Area.

· Establish working group to explore impact of HGVs on local communities.


· Support for enhanced public sector intervention to bring forward more affordable housing, targeted to meet local needs.

· Increase investment in specialist housing (ie. sheltered housing) to build a more balanced housing market.

· Support for the production and necessary updates to Neighbourhood Plans for the five parishes of the China Clay Area.

· Create a “home improvement” / retrofit initiative to make old homes more energy efficient, etc.

· Audit of park homes and residential caravan sites to better understand issues in such residential areas.

Health and wellbeing

· Establish a Public Health Partnership to promote healthier lifestyles across the Clay Area.

· Work with local GP practices to introduce more specialist / outreach clinics and services, along with more social prescribing.

· Establish a Public Health Partnership to develop the provision of dental services within Clay Country.

· Establish a private sector / public partnership to promote training opportunities throughout the China Clay Area.


· Produce an audit of the extent of public services provided in the China Clay Area, compared to the other parts of Cornwall, in order to secure a guarantee from Cornwall Council and other public bodies that Clay Country will get a fairer share of service provision in the future.

· Establish a “Safer Clay Country” partnership to assist the local police to boost community safety and tackle anti-social behaviour.

· Produce a Heritage and Culture Strategy for the China Clay Area.

· Support for development of community hubs through the China Clay Area.

· Support for local community and volunteer groups to set up social enterprises.

Historic and Natural Environment

· Request Historic England to agree a Heritage Action Zone for the China Clay Area.

· Request Historic England to commence assessment of historic remains from clay industry and related mining features for statutory protection.

· Establish a programme between Cornwall Council and partners to increase the network of clay trails, footpaths and bridlepaths.

· Establish a local partnership with local landowners to open up more land for public access.

Climate change

· Support climate change action groups throughout the China Clay Area.

· Hold a series of climate change summits / workshops to bring together parish councils and community groups to produce local action plans.

· Establish strong working links between Cornwall Council’s climate change team and local communities.

Covid-19 recovery

· Secure a guarantee that the China Clay Area will be treated on a par with Cornwall key towns, when it comes to the Recovery.

3.0 Local Listing project

Cornwall Council is piloting a Local Heritage List Project, funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. It will cover two areas; Redruth and Clay Country (plus some surrounding parishes). A Community Outreach Officer has been recruited to help local residents to identify those historic structures or places that they deem to be important.

As well as being on a “local list,” some of the historic assets could end up being considered for statutory protection through Listing or Scheduling. This part of the project could be significant for the parishes of St Dennis and St Enoder, which have a low level of protected structures and sites.

I am pleased to be one of the volunteers who has been appointed to the advisory group, from which the project will seek guidance.

4.0 Meeting with Ashley Shopland

As a key local employer, Imerys organised a tour of some of their operation for councillors from in and around the China Clay Area. I was unavailable on the chosen date and instead had a one-to-one (virtual) meeting with managing director Ashley Shopland on 6th September to discuss the clay industry and the potential for lithium extraction, as well as wider issues across the local area.

5.0 Community Chest

As a Cornwall Councillor, I have been allocated £3,000 which I can distribute to local community organisations. Grants should be above £100 and the maximum grant is usually £1,000. If you are interested in applying, please get in contact with me.


6.0 Manson Place Community Day

I was pleased to attend the Community Day organised by Ocean Housing on 1st September, and to meet with a number of local residents.

7.0 Possibility of a multi-use trail from St Dennis to the Goss Moor Trail.

St Dennis Parish Council has approached Cornwall Council to explore whether it would be possible to create a new multi-use trail along the old railway line that links St Dennis to the Goss Moor. As a result of these discussions, I have been in conversation with a number of council officers who are exploring landownership and other issues.

8.0 Neighbourhood Plan for St Dennis Parish

I was also pleased to attend the Parish Council’s open meeting on 18th September about the production of a Neighbourhood Plan for St Dennis Parish. The meeting was not well-attended, but I have offered to help out with this work as I have considerable experience with planning matters and chaired the committee which produced the St Enoder Neighbourhood Plan.

9.0 Waiting restrictions near Wesley Place

The 21-day consultation for proposed double yellow lines near Wesley Place on Carne Hill will be undertaken soon. I have been informed it will be done as part of a wider consultation of schemes across the China Clay Area.

10.0 Proposed solar farm at Trerice Manor Farm

Last month, I reported that Statkraft UK had sought a screening opinion (PA21/08542) from Cornwall Council to see if they would need to carry out an environmental impact assessment as part of their upcoming application for a solar farm. Unlike the other proposed solar farms referenced in this report, the unitary authority has yet to take a view on this screening opinion.

11.0 Public housing for rent

A number of residents have contacted me to raise concerns that not enough social rent properties are going to households with local links. I am presently liaising with officers to get information about this, and I will report back more fully in my next written report.

12.0 Recycling bins

Also, as reported last month, the new Conservative administration has stated that the recycling banks recently removed from council car parks can be re-instated, where there is popular demand. I have formally asked for the bins previously located within the car park off Wellington Road.

I have had a “holding response” from the Council, that said “further information regarding requests for replacement bins will be coming forward after the results of the pilot retention scheme are received and assessed later in the year.” I am trying to get more clarity from the administration.


13.0 Highway matters

In my last monthly report, I gave a detailed update on the wide range of traffic matters that I have been dealing with in St Enoder Parish. I have some further updates about specific works about a number of upcoming works.

13.1 Summercourt School

It has been confirmed that the safety measures outside Summercourt School (including the extension of the 30mph limit to the east, two vehicle-activated signs and a “variable” 20mph speed limit during school drop-off and pick-up times) will be installed during half-term week (25th-29th October). Some of the electrical work may take place after the initial installation, with signs becoming operational in early-mid November.

13.2 Zebra crossings on Chapel Road and St Francis Road, Indian Queens

Cornwall Council consulted on the proposal for two zebra crossings in March and April. The feedback was positive and it has been confirmed that the crossings will also be installed in the latter part of October. It is my understanding that the works will start in the week commencing 18th October, with the main works also taking place in half-term week (25th-29th October).

13.3 New footway between Harvenna Heights estate and Indian Queens School

Many people will have seen that Indian Queens School has started work on an enlarged outside / play area for the children (see above), which will take up two thirds of the field to the west of the School. The remainder of the field has transferred from Cornwall Council to St Enoder Parish Council, and the Parish Council will be constructing a new footway through this land to link the estate to the School. A local tarmac firm is lined up to do the works with a provisional start date of 20th October.

13.4 Proposed works on A3058 through Summercourt

The 21-day consultation on the A3058 improvements (including the extension of the 30mph limit on Beacon Road, two vehicle-activated signs and signalised pedestrian crossings at the traffic lights) should be happening in the near future.

I share the disappointment at the time it is taking to get to the consultation – but we are nearly there. Fingers crossed, this consultation will take place in October and I am continuing to receive assurances that the resultant works will still take place over the winter months.

13.5 Parking problems at Penhale / Kingsley Village Area

Following representations that I have made about the parking problems at Penhale near the Kingsley Village complex, Cornwall Council has confirmed that they will be putting in double yellow lines in this location. There will be a consultation in the near future about the actual extent of the lining.

14.0 Planning matters

There continues to be a large number of planning applications in St Enoder. Updates on some large planning proposals are as below:

14.1 Carvynick

In 2018, the owners of Carvynick, near Summercourt, sought outline planning permission for 38 residential units and a leisure building on the site. This was not supported by Cornwall Council, who felt that the “residential units” on the site should continue to be restricted for holiday use.

The applicants referred the proposal to the Planning Inspectorate (APP/D0840/W/18/3215936), which granted planning permission. As there were to be no affordable homes on the site, it was specified that there would need to be a financial payment to the Council to provide such homes elsewhere in the locality, in addition to a further payment towards improvements at Summercourt School.

As it was an outline consent, the full details for the development had to be agreed through further reserved matters applications. There have been two such applications. One covered 16 of the units (PA20/02147) and this was approved in 2020. A second application for the remaining 22 units (PA21/04792) was submitted earlier this year and was recently approved.

These two applications concentrated the 38 housing units into a smaller area than suggested in the original outline consent. As a consequence, a further application (PA21/04793) was received for an additional ten open market properties on the site. These are likely to be approved as well, because the principle of housing on this part of the Carvynick site was agreed through the earlier appeal which I fundamentally disagreed with. It is my understanding that the planning consent will include the need for an off-site financial contribution towards affordable housing.

During the initial applications, the applicants placed great focus on the construction of a leisure building, but there has not yet been a “reserved matters” application for this.

14.2 Proposed solar farm at Tresithney Farm

As with the proposed solar farm on land in St Dennis Parish, Statkraft UK sought a screening opinion (PA21/08039) from Cornwall Council to see if they would need to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of their upcoming application for a solar farm. Cornwall Council has confirmed that an EIA is needed because the development “would be likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of the scale, location and cumulative impact of the development proposed.”

14.3 Proposed solar farm at Tregonning Farm

Renewable Connections Developments Ltd also sought a scoping opinion (PA21/06846) about the need for an EIA for their proposed solar farm just outside St Enoder Parish. On this occasion, Cornwall Council have decided that the proposal “would not be likely to have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Statement are therefore not required.”

This emerging proposal is located immediately outside of St Enoder Parish, at Tregonning Farm in St Newlyn East Parish, but the cabling would run through St Enoder Parish to the Indian Queens Power Station. A webinar on the proposal was held on Wednesday 8th September and it was confirmed that the developer proposed that the cabling would go mostly go through farmland from Tregonning to Barton Lane, Fraddon. But from there, it would be laid along the old A30 through Fraddon and Indian Queens.

15.0 The Great Big Fuss Up

Some residents raised concerns about the music event held near Goonabarn to the south of Summercourt on 17th-19th September. The event organisers submitted a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) to Cornwall Council a few months, which allows events for up to 500 people.

The Licensing Authority has three working days to process TENs, during which time the Police and/or Environmental Health can object. Cornwall Council staff did not raise any concerns, although I understand that they gave considerable advice to the applicant, but did not stand in the way of the event.

I was not told about the TEN and I have challenged senior officers within the authority that elected members are informed about consents for events in their local areas.

16.0 Summercourt Fair

I was also contacted by a number of residents concerned about the parking congestion linked to this year’s Fair, especially as no car parking were provided. I will be speaking to the local Police and council officers about how they could influence the organisers of the event to provide some parking areas in future years.