Last night, I presented my most recent report to St Enoder Parish Council. It covered the time period: 26th March – 20th May 2018
1. Council meetings
Over the last two months, I have attended a range of formal meetings, briefings and training sessions. These have included: Full Council, a pre-agenda session for Full Council, Cabinet (2), Economic Growth and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee, National Minority Working Group, a workshop on the content of a Housing DPD (development plan document), meetings with local members from the China Clay Area (2), Group leaders’ meetings (2), one-on-one meeting with the Chief Executive, a training session on planning, and briefings on corporate parenting, the so-called garden village consented near Penwithick, parking, Project Genesis (developing neighbourhood policing for the future) and the stadium for Cornwall.
In the same period, as well as a number of informal meetings with council officers and others, I attended the St Enoder Parish Annual Assembly at which I tabled my annual report. I was also present at five meetings of St Enoder Parish Council and chaired the most recent meeting of the working group tasked with preparing the Neighbourhood Plan.
There was a further meeting between the operators of the pig farm at Higher Fraddon, and council (planning and environmental health) from the council, to discuss issues of odour.
2. Other meetings and activities
I have attended meetings of ClayTAWC (Training and Work Centre for the China Clay Area) (Chairman) and Indian Queens Pit (trustee), plus two meetings of the South and East Cornwall Local Action Group (one of which was the AGM) and the AGM of the St Piran Trust (trustee).
In addition, I went to the most recent meeting of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Leadership Board (as an observer). The Board considered the “New Frontiers” document, which I wrote about in a previous monthly report.
3. Highway matters
3a. Ongoing highway issues and present work programme
As noted in my last monthly report (March), the recent bad weather has caused a number of highway problems and I have been in regular contact with staff at Cormac. I have reported a host of potholes, many of which have been patched, and raised concerns about a number of areas where the road fabric is deteriorating (eg. The Drang, Carworgie Way, Pocohontas Crescent and Toldish in Indian Queens).
I can confirm that the following areas are in the resurfacing programme for 2018/2019:
- A392 from Newquay Road turning towards White Cross.
- Carnego Lane, Summercourt.
- Road from Melbur Blockworks towards Scarcewater.
- Trefullock Moor.
- Road from A3058 towards Trendeal, as far as the turning towards Goonabarn.
- Trevarren.
- Watery Lane from Black Cross.
In addition, I can confirm that both Carworgie Way and Pocohontas Crescent are already included within the 2019/2020 resurfacing programme, but I will be continuing to lobby for these improvements to be undertaken as soon as it is practicable.
Members will be aware that I have also reported a number of problem areas to the unitary authority, which are still being assessed for inclusion within the main works programme.
Three specific updates are as follows:
- Water rising through the pavement alongside Chapel Road, to the east of Queens Garage. I have been told that the scheme is on the “long list” for consideration, but it is deemed a low priority. It has been reported to me that “the site has been visited by the design group and the asset team individually on several occasions during heavy rain whilst in the area and problems were not witnessed.” This is contrary to my previous experience and, in future, I will be monitoring episodes of rising water in this location.
- Main road through Fraddon. Following a number of flooding incidents in Fraddon in 2013-2015, it was acknowledged that the unitary authority did not fully understand the state of the road drains. Principally this is because the main pipe lies in the centre of the road and there are no manholes which allow direct access into it. In March, Cormac undertook an investigation with trial holes. I have been informed that “the survey work identified a damaged section of pipe in the middle of the road. This has now been repaired, and no other defects have been identified.”
- Flooding at entrance to Gaverigan Manor and nearby road. This is an ongoing problem linked to a road ditch, that I have been raising concerns about for some two years. I am pleased to be able to report that it has just been confirmed that mitigation works will be progressed this year.
I am continuing to follow up a number of localised issues. These include flooding problems at Trefullock, and the need for white lines around Summercourt crossroads.
I can also report that a local resident from St Columb Road, who uses a motorised wheelchair, fell into the road because of the slope linked to dropped kerbs on the pavement on which he was travelling. Cormac’s local Highway and Environment Manager is investigating this issue.
The Highway and Environment Manager has also, following a request from me, removed a redundant sign opposite the doctors’ surgery in St Columb Road, and we are making representations that Fraddon, Indian Queens and St Columb Road are given greater priority in terms of future winter gritting routes.
3b. Community Network Highways Scheme
The unitary authority recently agreed that, for each of the next four years, £50,000 will be allocated to Community Network Panels for highways improvements in their areas. This has been welcomed by Cornwall Councillors, though it is a relatively small amount of money. In the China Clay Area, it will have to be spread across six individual divisions.
How we approach the scheme locally will be discussed at the next Network Panel meeting on Monday 4th June, though it has already been stated that Cornwall Councillors and Parish Councils will need to put forward suggestions in the very near future.
It is my hope that we can have a discussion about how we collectively approach this funding at Tuesday’s Parish Council meeting.
All my previous requests to the unitary authority are still listed with the relevant officers and could form the basis of our discussions. These may be summarised as follows:
- Speed reduction measures / traffic calming at Fraddon, Indian Queens and St Columb Road, which could include traffic calming measures at entry points, possible priority build-outs through the villages, as well as permanent VAS signs.
- Speed reduction measures / traffic calming in Summercourt, which could include traffic calming measures at entry points, possible priority build-outs, as well as permanent VAS signs.
- Traffic management measures to resolve congestion, accessibility, delivery and safety issues relating to the Co-op store in St Columb Road.
- Improved pedestrian phase to existing signalised junction at Summercourt crossroads, to improve safety and accessibility.
- Access improvements at Indian Queens Primary School, which were agreed when the planning permission was granted for additional classrooms. These measures include pedestrian crossing improvements and footpath links/improvements (eg. across field to Harvenna Heights). It needs to be stated that I am continuing to push for these works to undertaken outside of the scope of this Community Network Highways Scheme.
- 20 mph speed limit and related highway improvements outside Summercourt School.
- Traffic calming at New Road near Fraddon and at Sea View Terrace on the road to St Stephen.
In addition to the above, I can report that Cornwall Council has submitted a bid to central government to make improvements along the A3058 to the north of Summercourt. It has been with the Department of Transport for a number of months, but no response has been received.
3c. Speeding traffic
I have been liaising with Cormac about undertaking some additional monitoring of traffic speeds in a number of locations, and I will make my formal requests once the Parish Council has considered its approach to the Community Network Highways Scheme.
3d. Parking matters and parking enforcement
In recent months, I have served on the “positive parking” Inquiry Panel. Obviously much of the focus has been on car parks in Cornwall’s towns but enforcement matters have also been considered.
The Inquiry has agreed a recommendation to Cabinet that there be a more equitable distribution in terms of civic enforcement and I am due to attend a further meeting to make further representations to the relevant Cabinet Member on this point.
4. Changes to bus services through Summercourt
First has announced that it will be reducing the frequency of buses between Summercourt and Truro. It is two years since we were able to get buses back onto this route (following the collapse of Western Greyhound) and I am very disappointed that this is happening.
The Managing Director of First SW has responded to my queries and stated that the decision to reduce the number of buses is because are not enough passengers. In one email to me, he stated that following;
“Over a 37 week period from last summer through to February this year, the average number of passengers either boarding a 90 bus at Summercourt bound for Truro, or arriving back in Summercourt from the Truro direction, was 0.19 per journey – so less than 1 passenger boarding or alighting for every 5 journeys we routed through Summercourt on the 90 service to/from Truro.”
The full timetable for Summercourt-Truro services from Tuesday 29th May (including both First and Travel Cornwall), is as follows;
Monday to Saturday (except Public Holidays)
Departures from Summercourt (London Inn)
0700hrs Travel Cornwall service 497
0717hrs First Kernow service 92 (MF)
0810hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (NSD)
0810hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
0930hrs First Kernow service 95
0935hrs Travel Cornwall service 497
1050hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
1130hrs First Kernow service 95
1235hrs Travel Cornwall service 497
1315hrs First Kernow service 95
1435hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (NSD)
1435hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
1535hrs First Kernow service 95
Departures from Truro
1010hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1147hrs Boscawen Street Travel Cornwall service 497
1210hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1255hrs Lemon Quay Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
1347hrs Boscawen Street Travel Cornwall service 497
1355hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1615hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1715hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 92
1730hrs Boscawen Street Travel Cornwall service 484
1804hrs Lemon Quay Travel Cornwall service 497
MF: Monday to Friday only
NSD: Monday to Friday during Cornwall School Holidays only
S: Saturday only
In speaking to the Managing Director of First, I have informed him that I will continue to seek information about how well the bus services are being used, so that I can lobby for as good a service as we can get.
5. Tidy-up of the Kelliers
I was also pleased to take part in the two “tidy-up” sessions for the top part of the Kelliers on 22nd April and 20th May. The amount of rubbish on the site was very significant and I would like to thank all parish councillors and volunteers who helped out.
On 22nd April, we filled a large skip but also collected approximately 140 tyres, some gas bottles and a fridge, which were collected by Cornwall Council.
It should be noted that dealing with the fly-tipping was the Parish Council’s responsibility, as it was on Parish Council land. However, as the vast majority of the waste had been dumped prior to the Parish Council securing ownership of the site, the unitary authority agreed to dispose of the tyres and gas bottles.
On 20th May, we filled a further skip and found another twenty tyres, two gas bottles and a cooker.
6. Vote on stadium
On 17th April, councillors voted by 69 votes to 41 to agree funding of £3 million towards the stadium for Cornwall. There were seven abstentions. I was pleased to support the investment and, for me, the starting point for the debate was a simple one. It is my view that it is shameful Cornwall does not have the same sporting facilities and venues that other parts of the United Kingdom take for granted.
In addition, I could see that the £3 million from Cornwall Council would lead to spend in the local economy of £8 million from local partners and a further £3 million from the UK Government.
The funds will come from the Economic Development Match Funding pot, which must be used to boost the local economy. I must admit that I was therefore frustrated that a number of councillors argued that “public” money should not be spent on “private” projects. As elected members, they were fully aware that a great deal of “public” money – especially from EU structural funds – is granted to local businesses, large and small, to create jobs and boost productivity.
I also felt that many opponents of the proposal downplayed the importance of the role of Truro and Penwith College, which is already a significant local centre for elite sport. A stadium on their doorstep will represent a fantastic advance for educational opportunities and for local youngsters with aspirations to do well in sport.
7. PCSOs
For than 15 months, I have been making representations about the planned reduction in Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and how this will impact on our area. I attended another meeting about “Project Genesis” at County Hall last week, when I made further comment about Clay Country and our need for PCSO coverage in our area.
I continue to be frustrated that we have yet to receive any commitments about future policing levels.
8. St Austell Story
The St Austell Bay Economic Forum (SABEF) has produced a narrative to promote economic regeneration in Mid Cornwall. SABEF is meant to cover not just the town but also the coast to the south as well as the whole of the China Clay Area.
As the name suggests, the main focus is on St Austell and reference to Clay Country is quite limited. My priority has been to speak up for the parishes of the China Clay Area, and I will be continuing to do this in the coming weeks and months, hopefully securing a stronger focus on the areas to the north and west of the town.
9. World War 1 project
The project is progressing well and a community engagement session as held on 21st April at Indian Queens Victory Hall. A number of people have supplied photographs of fallen servicemen in recent weeks. The two most recent ones were of William Nail, who was active within the congregation of Black Cross Methodist Chapel, and Albert Samuel Williams, who lived at Primrose Cottage at Toldish and whose father was a local councillor after the war.

10. Inquiries
During the last month, I have helped numerous people with guidance on a range of issues.
I am continuing to follow up a number of localised issues. These include flooding problems at Trefullock, and the need for white lines around Summercourt crossroads.
I can also report that a local resident from St Columb Road, who uses a motorised wheelchair, fell into the road because of the slope linked to dropped kerbs on the pavement on which he was travelling. Cormac’s local Highway and Environment Manager is investigating this issue.
The Highway and Environment Manager has also, following a request from me, removed a redundant sign opposite the doctors’ surgery in St Columb Road, and we are making representations that Fraddon, Indian Queens and St Columb Road are given greater priority in terms of future winter gritting routes.
3b. Community Network Highways Scheme
The unitary authority recently agreed that, for each of the next four years, £50,000 will be allocated to Community Network Panels for highways improvements in their areas. This has been welcomed by Cornwall Councillors, though it is a relatively small amount of money. In the China Clay Area, it will have to be spread across six individual divisions.
How we approach the scheme locally will be discussed at the next Network Panel meeting on Monday 4th June, though it has already been stated that Cornwall Councillors and Parish Councils will need to put forward suggestions in the very near future.
It is my hope that we can have a discussion about how we collectively approach this funding at Tuesday’s Parish Council meeting.
All my previous requests to the unitary authority are still listed with the relevant officers and could form the basis of our discussions. These may be summarised as follows:
- Speed reduction measures / traffic calming at Fraddon, Indian Queens and St Columb Road, which could include traffic calming measures at entry points, possible priority build-outs through the villages, as well as permanent VAS signs.
- Speed reduction measures / traffic calming in Summercourt, which could include traffic calming measures at entry points, possible priority build-outs, as well as permanent VAS signs.
- Traffic management measures to resolve congestion, accessibility, delivery and safety issues relating to the Co-op store in St Columb Road.
- Improved pedestrian phase to existing signalised junction at Summercourt crossroads, to improve safety and accessibility.
- Access improvements at Indian Queens Primary School, which were agreed when the planning permission was granted for additional classrooms. These measures include pedestrian crossing improvements and footpath links/improvements (eg. across field to Harvenna Heights). It needs to be stated that I am continuing to push for these works to undertaken outside of the scope of this Community Network Highways Scheme.
- 20 mph speed limit and related highway improvements outside Summercourt School.
- Traffic calming at New Road near Fraddon and at Sea View Terrace on the road to St Stephen.
In addition to the above, I can report that Cornwall Council has submitted a bid to central government to make improvements along the A3058 to the north of Summercourt. It has been with the Department of Transport for a number of months, but no response has been received.
3c. Speeding traffic
I have been liaising with Cormac about undertaking some additional monitoring of traffic speeds in a number of locations, and I will make my formal requests once the Parish Council has considered its approach to the Community Network Highways Scheme.
3d. Parking matters and parking enforcement
In recent months, I have served on the “positive parking” Inquiry Panel. Obviously much of the focus has been on car parks in Cornwall’s towns but enforcement matters have also been considered.
The Inquiry has agreed a recommendation to Cabinet that there be a more equitable distribution in terms of civic enforcement and I am due to attend a further meeting to make further representations to the relevant Cabinet Member on this point.
4. Changes to bus services through Summercourt
First has announced that it will be reducing the frequency of buses between Summercourt and Truro. It is two years since we were able to get buses back onto this route (following the collapse of Western Greyhound) and I am very disappointed that this is happening.
The Managing Director of First SW has responded to my queries and stated that the decision to reduce the number of buses is because are not enough passengers. In one email to me, he stated that following;
“Over a 37 week period from last summer through to February this year, the average number of passengers either boarding a 90 bus at Summercourt bound for Truro, or arriving back in Summercourt from the Truro direction, was 0.19 per journey – so less than 1 passenger boarding or alighting for every 5 journeys we routed through Summercourt on the 90 service to/from Truro.”
The full timetable for Summercourt-Truro services from Tuesday 29th May (including both First and Travel Cornwall), is as follows;
Monday to Saturday (except Public Holidays)
Departures from Summercourt (London Inn)
0700hrs Travel Cornwall service 497
0717hrs First Kernow service 92 (MF)
0810hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (NSD)
0810hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
0930hrs First Kernow service 95
0935hrs Travel Cornwall service 497
1050hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
1130hrs First Kernow service 95
1235hrs Travel Cornwall service 497
1315hrs First Kernow service 95
1435hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (NSD)
1435hrs Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
1535hrs First Kernow service 95
Departures from Truro
1010hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1147hrs Boscawen Street Travel Cornwall service 497
1210hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1255hrs Lemon Quay Travel Cornwall service 497 (S)
1347hrs Boscawen Street Travel Cornwall service 497
1355hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1615hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 95
1715hrs Bus Station First Kernow service 92
1730hrs Boscawen Street Travel Cornwall service 484
1804hrs Lemon Quay Travel Cornwall service 497
MF: Monday to Friday only
NSD: Monday to Friday during Cornwall School Holidays only
S: Saturday only
In speaking to the Managing Director of First, I have informed him that I will continue to seek information about how well the bus services are being used, so that I can lobby for as good a service as we can get.
5. Tidy-up of the Kelliers
I was also pleased to take part in the two “tidy-up” sessions for the top part of the Kelliers on 22nd April and 20th May. The amount of rubbish on the site was very significant and I would like to thank all parish councillors and volunteers who helped out.
On 22nd April, we filled a large skip but also collected approximately 140 tyres, some gas bottles and a fridge, which were collected by Cornwall Council.
It should be noted that dealing with the fly-tipping was the Parish Council’s responsibility, as it was on Parish Council land. However, as the vast majority of the waste had been dumped prior to the Parish Council securing ownership of the site, the unitary authority agreed to dispose of the tyres and gas bottles.
On 20th May, we filled a further skip and found another twenty tyres, two gas bottles and a cooker.
6. Vote on stadium
On 17th April, councillors voted by 69 votes to 41 to agree funding of £3 million towards the stadium for Cornwall. There were seven abstentions. I was pleased to support the investment and, for me, the starting point for the debate was a simple one. It is my view that it is shameful Cornwall does not have the same sporting facilities and venues that other parts of the United Kingdom take for granted.
In addition, I could see that the £3 million from Cornwall Council would lead to spend in the local economy of £8 million from local partners and a further £3 million from the UK Government.
The funds will come from the Economic Development Match Funding pot, which must be used to boost the local economy. I must admit that I was therefore frustrated that a number of councillors argued that “public” money should not be spent on “private” projects. As elected members, they were fully aware that a great deal of “public” money – especially from EU structural funds – is granted to local businesses, large and small, to create jobs and boost productivity.
I also felt that many opponents of the proposal downplayed the importance of the role of Truro and Penwith College, which is already a significant local centre for elite sport. A stadium on their doorstep will represent a fantastic advance for educational opportunities and for local youngsters with aspirations to do well in sport.
7. PCSOs
For than 15 months, I have been making representations about the planned reduction in Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and how this will impact on our area. I attended another meeting about “Project Genesis” at County Hall last week, when I made further comment about Clay Country and our need for PCSO coverage in our area.
I continue to be frustrated that we have yet to receive any commitments about future policing levels.
8. St Austell Story
The St Austell Bay Economic Forum (SABEF) has produced a narrative to promote economic regeneration in Mid Cornwall. SABEF is meant to cover not just the town but also the coast to the south as well as the whole of the China Clay Area.
As the name suggests, the main focus is on St Austell and reference to Clay Country is quite limited. My priority has been to speak up for the parishes of the China Clay Area, and I will be continuing to do this in the coming weeks and months, hopefully securing a stronger focus on the areas to the north and west of the town.
9. World War 1 project
The project is progressing well and a community engagement session as held on 21st April at Indian Queens Victory Hall. A number of people have supplied photographs of fallen servicemen in recent weeks. The two most recent ones were of William Nail, who was active within the congregation of Black Cross Methodist Chapel, and Albert Samuel Williams, who lived at Primrose Cottage at Toldish and whose father was a local councillor after the war.

10. Inquiries
During the last month, I have helped numerous people with guidance on a range of issues.
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