Friday, 29 June 2012

A tribute to Pam Lyne

This morning, at a meeting of the Planning Policy Advisory Panel (PPAP), we observed a minute’s silence to remember Cllr Pam Lyne, who passed away suddenly this week.

An out-spoken and strong-willed councillor, Pam normally arrived slightly late for the PPAP meetings as she first had to complete her milk round. Following a suggestion from Lisa Dolley, we stood to remember Pam not at the start of the meeting but at ten-past-ten.

There have been many heartfelt tributes to Pam, with which I fully concur. Chairman of the Council Pat Harvey described her as a "true independent,” which she certainly was, and Cllr John Wood, the leader of the Independent group at County Hall, said she was a “tireless and hard-working member of Cornwall Council.” 

Cllr Bert Biscoe meanwhile described her as “the bravest member of any council I have ever met."

"She stood up for the truth and if that meant putting her house and business at risk to ensure the truth, then she would do that. As far as I am concerned, as a member of the local authority and as a human being, Pam Lyne is one of my heroes."

I will remember Pam as an individual who always did exactly what her conscience dictated, regardless of the consequences, and the World would be a much better place if there were more people were like Pam.

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