Friday 29 September 2017

Vandalism at the Fraddon Millennium Green

Many local people will probably have heard about recent vandalism in our local parish, much of which has included the smashing of bottles.

Earlier in the week, bottles were broken in the car park at Indian Queens Recreation Ground and one car ended up with a puncture as a consequence. There was a further incident in the Thomas Playing Field in Summercourt and, today, it was the turn of the Fraddon Millennium Green.

It seems that some children found a box of bottles which they took to the Green, and decided to smash on the play equipment. 

We were very fortunate, though, as a local resident from a neighbouring property realised what was happening and filmed the activities on his phone. When the children realised they were being viewed, they left the Green very quickly.

It could have been so much worse, as the children left a pile of around 15 bottles (see below) which they had not yet got around to throwing at the equipment. 

We have brushed up the broken glass and also removed the other bottles, so the Green is once again safe to visit and enjoy.

Today I started the day at a briefing at Cornwall Council with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Alison Hernandez, where I was one of the councillors from Clay Country speaking up about the importance of PCSOs.

And I finished the day liaising with a local PCSO about the vandalism and how the guilty parties might be identified from the filming.

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