Thursday 28 September 2017

A massive thank you to Di Mlynek

As the Chairman of ClayTAWC (the Clay Area Training and Work Centre) at St Dennis, I would like to say a massive thank you to Di Mlynek, who retired as Centre Manager yesterday.

Di (pictured above left) took over as the Manager in January 2010, and was the “heart and soul” of the Centre for seven-and-a-half years. Always with a smile, she was extremely dedicated to ClayTAWC and its values. She was instrumental in bringing forward the “retrofit” project, which included a host of improvements to the fabric of the building, both inside and out.

The Board is extremely thankful for all the fantastic work that Di has done for ClayTAWC and we will miss her as an employee.

But she will not be breaking her links with ClayTAWC. I am very glad to be able to report that Di has accepted an invitation to become a member of the Board which is responsible for the running of the Centre.

The new Manager will be Kerry Merrifield (pictured above right), who has already worked at the Centre for a number of years.

For those who don’t know, ClayTAWC was founded over 15 years ago to help provide support to residents in the China Clay Area in terms of training, education and working towards employment. Courses and activities are varied, with many being run by Cornwall Council’s Link Into Learning. The Centre also has a computer suite that is available for use by local people, as well as meeting rooms.

It is also an important community hub, used by many local bodies, which provides offices for St Dennis Parish Council and the Cornwall Rural Community Council, as well as a base for the local Police Community Support Officer. In addition, the building houses a community library.

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