Thursday 14 September 2017

St Enoder Parish Council secures grant from HLF for First World War project

I am absolutely delighted to be able to report that St Enoder Parish Council has just secured a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund towards a community project to remember the men who lost their lives in the First World War.

Over the next twelve months, we will working with a range of local organisations to find out more about the impact of the conflict on the people and families of Fraddon, Indian Queens, St Columb Road and Summercourt.

A key part of the project will be to produce a book which will tell the stories of the men who lost their lives between 1914 and 1918.

In addition, the Parish Council will also be looking to produce interpretation boards to be placed in our three local village halls, as well as other materials for use in the Indian Queens Methodist Church and St Enoder Parish Church.

We are also investigating the possibility of events to mark the centenaries of the Armistice (November 1918), the Victory / Peace Day celebrations (July 1919) after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, and the unveiling of the St Enoder War Memorial (September 1919).

My latest newsletter is presently being produced and this will feature more detailed information about the project and how local people can get involved. It will be delivered across St Enoder Parish in the next three weeks.

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