At tonight’s meeting of St Enoder Parish Council, I tabled
my latest monthly report. It covered the period from 21st February to 21st
March. It was as follows:
1. Council
I have attended a range of meetings over the last month.
These included: Full Council; Cabinet; Environment, Heritage and Planning Portfolio
Advisory Committee (PAC) (plus three associated pre-agenda briefings/meetings);
Homes and Communities PAC; Constitution and Governance Committee (plus an
associated informal meeting); and the China Clay Area Network.
I also attended a briefing on welfare reforms and a further
meeting with the new Chief Executive and the leader of the Council. As Chairman
of the Environment, Heritage and Planning PAC, I was present at a Conference
event run by the new Local Nature Partnership.
2. Other
I also attended two meetings of the Clay Country Local
Action Group, as well as a meeting of the Community-led Local Development &
Leader working group (which I chair), and the local Governing Board of
Summercourt Academy.
3. Extra
land for Indian Queens
I am pleased to be able to report that Cornwall Council has
agreed to swap land at a former school site in Camelford in exchange for the
field next to Indian Queens
School (owned by Ocean Housing).
The report stated:
“Due to an increase in projected pupil numbers, Indian
Queens School
has been identified as requiring a significant expansion of its built campus
and sports facilities. In order to implement this project further, land will
need to be acquired which is contiguous with the school campus. The Council has
engaged with the landowner, Ocean Housing, and has negotiated a land swap
arrangement which involves the disposal of the former Camelford
Primary School owned freehold by
the council.
“The commercial terms that have been agreed generate a
capital receipt for the Council, enable a high priority expansion of Indian
Queens School
to proceed and bring forward a mixed tenure housing development in Camelford.”
The Cabinet was unanimous in its support for the initiative.
4. Council tax
At the Full Council meeting on 25th February, the members of
Cornwall Council voted to put up council tax by 1.97%. This was just below the
2% threshold which would have forced the Council to put its proposal out to a
costly public referendum. I supported the increase because it was my view that
the Council needed to do what it could to offset the massive cuts in grants
from central government.
5. Reduction in
library opening hours
The ruling Cabinet at Cornwall Council has announced a
reduction in opening hours at local libraries in order to meet budget cuts of
£400,000, which I have personally contested.
The 12-week consultation on the cessation of all mobile
library and mobile one stop shop services is continuing, and I have made strong
representations against the loss of the Clay Bus at the most recent China Clay
Area Network Meeting and also at Full Council.
6. Letter from China
Clay Area Network Meeting
In co-operation with the Network Manager of the China Clay
Area, I recently drafted a letter which addressed local concerns about the inequitable
provision of council services across Cornwall.
At the meeting of the China Clay Area Network on 24th February, the letter was
endorsed by all Cornwall Councillors and parish councillors present, and it was
agreed to send it to the Chief Executive, Corporate Directors and the
members of the Cabinet.
The full text of the letter, which was in my name, was as
Delivery of Council Services in the China Clay Area
I have been asked to write to you concerning service
delivery in Clay Country by the China Clay Area Community Network.
The network consists of the five parishes of Roche, St
Dennis, St Enoder, St Stephen-in Brannel and Treverbyn; and it is served by
myself and Cllrs Curnow, Greenslade, Luke, Rix and Wood.
The delivery of customer-facing services from Cornwall
Council appears predicated on the hub model, where a town often acts as a local
service centre for a surrounding rural area.
This may work well in parts of Cornwall
where the economy was formerly based on agriculture. But in our area, there is
no natural “centre” and communities are smaller and dispersed – reflecting a
19th and 20th century settlement pattern, created at a time of the widespread
extraction of china clay and other minerals.
We believe that, through this model, the China Clay Area has
lost out and, with the ongoing cuts from central government, it will continue
to lose out in comparison with other parts of Cornwall.
Since the creation of the unitary authority, Clay Country
has never had a permanent One Stop Shop. A mobile One Stop Shop – combined with
an enhanced library provision – was launched in October 2012. But it is clear
to local members that this service is now under threat and there is little
evidence that the Cabinet or wider Council would wish to retain the service.
Local members would also question whether the China Clay
Area – as a result of its distinct demographic and geographic profile – gets
its fair share of central expenditure from Cornwall Council.
The five Parish Councils in the area are particularly active
and are responsible for a wide range of services, including playing fields and
play areas, open spaces, allotments, cemeteries and business units.
But there is a strong perception that service provision from
Cornwall Council is limited in comparison.
We would note that the China Clay Area has had a poor
service from Civil Enforcement as officers focus on areas of greater
population, while local members receive repeated complaints about issues such
as the limited extent of street cleaning and lack of waste bins in local
villages – compared to urban centres.
At the same time, local residents are aware of the “double
taxation” issue, namely that that they are contributing to Cornwall Council’s
share of the council tax, which is being used to provide services in other
parts of Cornwall, that are provided by Parish Councils closer to home.
It is view of the Community Network that Cornwall Council
needs to undertake a full assessment of how it provides services –
geographically – across Cornwall,
so that it can identify those Networks and communities, which receive less than
average expenditure. This will also allow the Council to be more informed when
it makes decisions about future investments, service delivery and the
devolution of services.
It is ironic that whilst Cornwall Council Members and
officers travel to London seeking
from central government a fairer settlement for rural authorities, the unitary
authority does not appear to “rural-proof” the distribution of its own services
across Cornwall.
After all, council tax is uniform across Cornwall.
So it is important that the 26,000 people of Clay Country do receive a
reasonable parity of council expenditure.
7. Patching at
Highgate/Gaverigan Roundabout, Indian Queens
In February, I reported that Cormac had carried out some
temporary patching of the worst pot-holes at Highgate/Gaverigan Roundabout near
Indian Queens, and that the resurfacing of the roundabout was timetabled for
I have received the following update from Robert Hancock at
“There has been considerable correspondence on this topic
over the past few weeks, resulting in the present proposal for the works
consisting of:
“24hr closure of the Treviscoe road for 5 days and 4 nights
commencing Tuesday 5th May.
“Night time closure of the B3279 from 1900hrs to 0700hrs.
“The B3279 will remain open through the day. However,
traffic will be shuttled through the roundabout by means of temporary traffic signals.
“The official diversion route for the closure is via St
Stephen to the A3058 to Brighton Cross then north on the B3275 to Fraddon
before joining the A30.
“We have been in communication with Sita representatives,
Matt Ives and Michael Dobson. They are aware that access to the CERC via Stamps
Hill/Gaverigan will not be possible for the period of the closure and are
rescheduling their works accordingly.
“The restrictive size of the roundabout and the amount of
reconstruction works required does not allow us to provide for traffic whilst
these works are undertaken. In an attempt to reduce disruption to a minimum,
Cormac intend to double shift our workforce, working day and night for the
period of the closure.”
8. Closure of
road bridge near Perrose and Retyn
In February, I reported that a road bridge near Perrose and
Retyn had been undermined by the amount of water in the river beneath it. I
have recently received the following update from Cormac:
“As you are aware, we have closed the road at Retyn
Bridge due to it falling into an
unsafe condition … unfortunately some of the local residents have been
persistently moving the signs and barriers and driving over the bridge.
Therefore, it has become necessary to place concrete barriers at either side of
the bridge to prevent unauthorised access and to protect highway safety.”
I am continuing to lobby officers for the repairs to be
undertaken as soon as possible.
9. Corporate
Directors at Cornwall Council
The New Chief Executive Andrew Kerr, with the support of the
Council’s Cabinet, has decided to reduce the most senior “Corporate Director”
posts at the unitary authority from six to three. I have been appointed to the
panel which will appoint the individual who will be responsible for issues
related to the economy and the environment.
10. Gypsy and
Traveller Strategy
A new Gypsy and Traveller Strategy was agreed at the Cabinet
meeting on 12th March. I had made representations at previous meetings of the
Homes and Communities PAC, pointing out the disproportionately high provision
of residential pitches in the China Clay Area and the former Restormel.
The figures show that, since 2006:
A total of 115 pitches had been consented within Cornwall.
Of these, 71 residential pitches had been consented in the
area of the former Restormel Borough Council. This equates to 62% of the
pitches consented for the whole of Cornwall
– even though the area is approximately one-sixth of Cornwall.
Since 2006, 43 residential pitches had been consented within
the China Clay Area. This equates to 37% of the pitches consented for the whole
of Cornwall – even though the population of the China Clay Area is less than 5%
of that of Cornwall.
As a consequence of the intervention of myself and other
colleagues from the China Clay Area, changes were made at the PAC and endorsed
by Cabinet. Changes included the following:
“In response to the consultation on the earlier draft
Travelling Communities Strategy and Delivery Plan (published December 2012), a
number of Parish/Town Councils and individuals expressed concern as to the
uneven distribution of existing, approved, or planned sites, in particular with
regard to the concentration around the former Restormel area. In preparing the
DPD, the Council will need to address local needs and historic areas of
need/demand. However account should be taken of the concentrations of recent
developments. This should seek to ensure a provision of sites outside of these
areas to ensure a reasonable Cornwall-wide spread looking at local needs.
“Further development of Gypsy and Traveller sites outside
the towns and villages in the St Blazey and Clay Country Community Network
Areas where recent supply has been focused, should be restricted to those with
a clear local connection to reduce potential domination of the character of the
11. Appeal
statement on proposed solar farm at Burthy Farm
As previously requested, I have completed a detailed (3,500
word) statement on behalf of St Enoder Parish Council which was submitted to
the Planning Inquiry (written representations) for the above application.
12. Appeal
statement on proposed wind turbine at Chytane Farm
As previously requested, I have completed a detailed (4,000
word) statement on behalf of St Enoder Parish Council which was submitted to
the Planning Inquiry (written representations) for the above application.
13. Consultation
on draft Supplementary Planning Document
affordable housing
As previously requested, I have completed a detailed
response to the above consultation on behalf of St Enoder Parish Council. It
has been submitted to Cornwall Council.
14. Meetings
about Youth Club and Neighbourhood Plan
Along with other fellow parish councillors, I have attended
two meetings about progress with the St Enoder Youth Club (which included a
get-together with the youth workers Dan James and Laura Kinsley-Potter), and a
single meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan working group, where we debated the likely
content of a parish-wide questionnaire.
15. Penare Farm
anaerobic digestion (AD) plant
Work on the AD plant started in the week commencing 10th
March. The developers are presently agreeing the “pre-commencement” conditions
related to the project, which will include details of regular engagement with
the local community and the Parish Council. I have been in contact with
representatives of the developer and would suggest that an invitation be
extended to them to address the next meeting of the Parish Council.
16. Newsletter
My six-monthly newsletter (dated January / February) has
been distributed to around 95% of homes in the Parish. Much of the distribution
was delayed because of the bad weather, and I was not able to get around to all
the rural parts of the Parish.
17. Cornwall
Council Has (not) Got Talent
Earlier this month, I joined a number of fellow councillors
and staff from the Democratic Services section and took part in the annual Cornwall
Council Has (not) Got Talent competition, which raises money for Children in
Need. Our entry was a troupe of dancers, who performed to traditional Cornish
music. Naturally, the boys were dressed as girls, and vice versa, and I have
had it on good authority I did not look good in a brunette wig.
18. Inquiries
Throughout the last month, I have also helped numerous
people with advice and guidance. Issues included flytipping, housing concerns, planning
matters, the condition of local roads, etc.