Monday, 4 July 2011

How not to consider an issue

I know I cannot stop writing about waste issues, but …

This morning, I attended the latest meeting of the Council’s Waste Panel. The Revised Project Plan (which would need to be agreed between the Council and SITA before the incinerator could be built) was on the agenda.

The written report did not materialise. And at 10.00, we were told that there would be a verbal report. We were also told that the report could not be finalised because of legal implications arising from the challenge to the Secretary of State’s decision from the people of St Dennis.

As councillors, we were pretty unimpressed that a topic of such complexity could be presented in this way.

And then, the officer concerned actually took out a draft of the report – that we were not allowed to see – and promptly began to read out certain sections of it verbatim.

We objected to being kept in the dark and treated like children and the meeting was adjourned. We now await sight of the written report.

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