Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Another blow to Cornish democracy

It is a sad day for democracy with the announcement that the Department for Communities and Local Government intends to impose unitary local government on the people of Cornwall.

One of the criteria by which the DCLG claimed it would assess the various bids for unitary status was a 'broad cross-section of support.' So how could they allow the County Council's bid to proceed, when it was opposed by all six district councils, a majority of town and parish councils, over 80% of local people in a series of district polls and a large number of community and political groups?

I simply cannot comprehend how the views of all these people and organisations can have so easily been disregarded in favour of a bid founded on spin and misrepresentation that even Peter Mandelson would be ashamed to promote.

I find it is particularly galling that the Liberal Democrat county councillors and MPs , who have failed to honour their manifesto commitment to fight for a Cornish Assembly, had the gall to co-opt the language of devolution to justify their local government reforms. They have made claim after claim that by shrinking democracy in Cornwall, we will somehow be allowed extra powers. Such claims are nonsense and do a disservice to the whole political process.

Unlike the Liberal Democrats, MK will continue to campaign for the meaningful devolution of political power to a Cornish Assembly.


Bob Hayes said...

You are so right Dick. I fear central government will use any argument to pursue their own agenda, and that some people (and parties) just want to hang on to their comfort blanket rather than try to grow up and take the risk of getting real responsibility.

Devolution for Cornwall said...

If the Unitary thing can be stopped, it should be. If not, this and that the Tories have decided to have a 'Cornwall' Minister provide an excellent opportunity for MK to make a load of political capital in time for the elections to it?

Anonymous said...

Dick wheg,

Well done with starting the blog. I will read it regularly.

Be assured I am 110% behind MK in its struggle for an assembly - Cornwall has been cruelly betrayed by the LDs and the Tories (the latter did not turn out to vote) and this will be remembered.

Fight the good fight with all thy might!

Oll an gwella


Mike said...

What ever happened to democracy ?
Since when was 20 % a call by the people for this. I nor any member of my family or neighbours received any balot paper. How do we fight non - democracy ? I am frustrated and angry and if I am how will those more likely to take direct action going to feel ? Should we condemn them as democracy in Kernow is dead ?!