Friday, 20 December 2024


Time period: 1st October – 30th November 2024

1.0 Council and other meetings

Over the last couple of months, physical meetings at Cornwall Council were an extraordinary Full Council, Full Council, Cabinet, Constitution and Governance Committee, Corporate Finance and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Economic Growth and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the China Clay Area and Luxulyan Community Area Partnership and a meeting about projects within the China Clay Area. Other physical meetings have including St Dennis Parish Council, St Enoder Parish Council (4), the Cornish Lithium Community Liaison Group, Fraddon Village Hall and Indian Queens Band.

I have also attended a range of online Cornwall Council meetings via Teams video-conferencing. These have included the Cornish National Minority Working Group (and an associated preparatory session), get-togethers for councillors from the China Clay Area (2), a meeting about Local Lettings Plans for social housing in St Dennis and St Enoder parishes, an interview about the Community Levelling Up funding allocated to the Clay Area over the last 12 months and a briefing on waste.

In addition, I have had informal meetings with a wide range of groups and individuals.

2.0 Full Council meeting

There were two Full Council meetings in November. The first one (7th November) was an “extraordinary” one with a single item on the agenda – a vote of no-confidence in the council leader Linda Taylor. It was all so unedifying and completely pointless. The opposition councillors who tabled the motion had little chance of success, as the Conservative administration had enough councillors to defeat the proposition. I do wonder to what extent the decision of the Conservatives, four years ago, to table a no-confidence vote in the previous leader of Cornwall Council led directly to this more recent vote.

The second one (26th November) included a motion relating to inheritance tax on farms. It was carried overwhelmingly. There were also numerous sensible and well-regarded contributions, but it deteriorated at times with some councillors using the opportunity to “play politics,” and there were certainly plenty of insults flying around the chamber.

3.0 Homechoice

The revised approach to the Homechoice system (for the allocation of publicly-owned rental properties) is due to commence early in 2025. It is my understanding that some additional tweaks to the policy have been made since they were agreed by Cabinet. I will report in more detail once I have seen the finalised policy document.

More importantly for St Dennis and St Enoder, I viewed a final draft of local lettings plans, which will prioritise lettings for local people in the two parishes. These are to be signed off at a meeting in late January.

4.0 UK Parliament Week

On 21st November, I helped with an event for UK Parliament Week in the council offices. Some thirty pupils from eight primary schools from the Aspire Academy took part. More children were expected but a number of schools did not make it because of the snow on that day. Other politicians involved included MPs Noah Law and Jayne Kirkham, and councillors James Mustoe and Thalia Marrington. It was extremely positive and enjoyable.

5.0 Event with Noah Law MP

The member of parliament for St Austell and Newquay recently held three meetings about his commitment to support jobs and prosperity in his constituency. I was pleased to attend the meeting in Clay Country, which was held at ClayTAWC.

6.0 Remembrance Sunday

I was pleased to attend the annual Remembrance Sunday event at St Enoder Churchtown on 10th November and to read out the names of the fallen. I was also pleased to supply information about two servicemen (Eldred Grose and Denis Kelly, who were lost in the Second World War) and whose lives were featured in the church service.

The service at St Dennis was held at the same time as the St Enoder event and I was therefore unable to attend. I remain grateful to the Chairman of St Dennis Parish Council, Julia Clarke, who ensured that a wreath was laid on my behalf at the St Dennis commemoration.

7.0 “Report it”

Over the last month, I have reported a number of local issues of concern to residents. If you spot any problems, you can also report it through Cornwall Council’s website at:


8.0 Planning matters

8.1 Cornish Lithium

In my last report, I wrote about how the UK Government had classed the Cornish Lithium project at Trelavour as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP), which means that the key planning decisions relating to the site will be made by the Secretary of State, rather than Cornwall Council.

Linked to this, I attended the most recent meeting of the Cornish Lithium Community Liaison Group and I requested that Cornish Lithium do more to publicise the significance of NSIP status, particularly what it means for the planning process and the ability of local people to make representations.

The application to central government for the NSIP also included supporting information and some maps, which can be viewed on the website for the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. At the Liaison Group meeting, I also asked Cornish Lithium to do more to explain their emerging plans for the scheme.

The company has stated that the documentation and maps are not the final plans, their feasibility study is ongoing and they are still looking at options. I have been told that this assessment will be completed in 2025 and they will then publish the full details of their commercial project.

But as their plans are now in the public domain, I can confirm that the document includes reference to the need to lay a power line from the proposed processing zone, in their “Parkandillick Lease Area,” to the Indian Queens Power Station. Residents will be aware that I have been investigating the possibility of a multi-use trail along the disused railway line from St Dennis to the Goss Moor. Cornish Lithium are specifically looking at this route for their cabling and have confirmed that they are also considering the creation of a “mixed use path (for walkers and cyclists) as a benefit of the development.”

I also attended the launch event at the Trelavour site on 18th October.

It is my intention to do my best to ensure that the views of the local community are well represented in the period going forward.

8.2 Proposed solar farm near Trerice

I attended the information day event for their solar farm proposal at Trerice on 23rd October, between 3pm and 7pm, at the Pitch Sports Bar Function Room, and I have since been informed that the name of the proposal has been changed from Trevicoe to Trerice.

[Since this report was finished, the planning application was formally registered with Cornwall Council].

8.3 St Dennis Neighbourhood Plan

The “direction of travel” consultation document for the Plan will be published and distributed around the local area in the New Year.

9.0 Traffic matters

I continue to make a wide range of representations to Cornwall Council on a number of highway matters and I continue to raise my extreme frustration that so many road markings desperately need repainting, and I am keeping the pressure up as best I can. I have recently been promised that the repainting of the lines in St Dennis will be prioritised in 2025.

Other topics covered included some recent episodes of flooding, and my ongoing complaints about the poor quality of numerous road surfaces. I am pleased to be able to report that Carne Hill and Trelavour Road have now been placed on Cornwall Council’s “provisional programme” for resurfacing in the next financial year.

The insertion of an additional “pinch-point” at the southern end of Hendra Road has been included within Cormac’s timetable for works and will likely be done early in the New Year.

On 14th November, I had another site visit with the local Highway Manager (Cormac). This was to discuss the siting of “Welcome to St Dennis Parish” signs, as well as potential locations for name-signs for local hamlets. I hope to have a worked-up project to take forward with the Parish Council in early 2025.

I am also continuing to liaise with Cornwall Council about a report into all the traffic problems in and around St Dennis.

10.0 Hall Road play area

Last month, I was pleased to report that Cornwall Council is working up a project to look at the “devolution” of small play areas and green spaces to Parish Councils throughout Clay Country.

I brought this up with St Dennis Parish Council and I am delighted that they have taken the decision to seek ownership of the play area at Hall Road. This will allow us to replace the present equipment with something fit for the present day. It will hopefully be paid for through the incinerator fund.

[There was a positive site meeting with Cornwall Council about this on 13th December].

11.0 The incinerator

The incineration of waste has been in the news again recently. Analysis from the BBC has shown that incineration emits more CO2 per unit of energy produced than any other form of energy creation, while there are also reports that central government may bring in an “emissions trading scheme” that will add significant costs to the running of the incinerator.

I was invited onto Radio Cornwall and asked about the unitary authority’s approach to waste management. I spoke about the improvements in recycling and how the amount of domestic waste going to the plant is likely to fall while acknowledging that, because of the Council’s dependence upon the burning of rubbish, the void in incineration capacity would be filled with more commercial waste.

I could not help but point out that Cornwall Council would have a much better and much more cost-effective approach to dealing with waste if they has listened to objectors to the incineration plant, some 15 years ago.


12.0 Thomas Playing Field

The refurbishment of the play equipment has been ongoing. The time it has taken has been extremely frustrating, but I was relieved when the park was reopened on 5th December.

13.0 Planning matters

Listed below are some updates on planning applications in St Enoder Parish.

13.1 Burthy Solar farm [PA23/01893]

The final draft of the legal agreement relating to the community fund associated with the recently-consented Burthy Solar Farm near Fraddon. It has been signed by the Parish Clerk. The Parish Council will be paid £17,000 per annum for the next 40 years to invest in the community infrastructure of our Parish.

13.2 Proposed solar farm at Trelion [PA24/05312]

I have previously reported that a planning application for a 49.9mw solar farm has been submitted in St Stephen Parish. There was uncertainty about the route of the cabling that, if the application was successful, would link the development to the Indian Queens Power Station. One option was along public roads, extending from Scarcewater past Seaview Terrace, through Fraddon and Indian Queens, and then past Gaverigan.

Further information has been submitted which now shows their preferred route to be no longer be along roads, except in the Gaverigan area, but through adjacent fields or clay industry land. I will be studying the route in some detail soon, as I think it might impact on footpaths maintained by St Enoder Parish Council.

13.3 Single dwelling, Higher Fraddon (PA23/03650)

In my last report, I forget to include information into the appeal for a single dwelling at Higher Fraddon. It had been refused by Cornwall Council on 16th June 2023. The reason for refusal was:

The application site is located outside of the defined settlement and the development represents an undesirable extension and intrusion of built form into the countryside to the detriment of landscape character. In the absence of any other special circumstances to justify the dwellings in this context, the proposal does not represent sustainable development and would be contrary to the guidance contained in Paragraph 80 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021, Policies 3, 7 and 21(c) of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 to 2030, and Policies 2 and 3 of the St Enoder Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2030.

The applicant appealed the decision to the Planning Inspectorate, which upheld the decision of the unitary authority and dismissed the appeal.

13.4 Unit 2, Indian Queens Industrial Estate (PA24/07158)

Further to my report from last month about the retrospective application for a door opening into the rear of the industrial unit and related issues (ie. problems with landscaping and changes to the consented scheme), I can report that I had a meeting with planning officers on 19th November to discuss the scheme. They are going back to the applicant to raise concerns.

14.0 Traffic matters

14.1 20mph speed limit

In October, the new sign at the Penhale end of Fraddon was modified to say Fraddon rather than Penhale.

14.2 Seaview Terrace

The installation of the new 40mph speed limit at Seaview Terrace has also been completed.

14.3 Meeting with Cormac

As noted in the St Dennis section of this report, I continue to make a wide range of representations to Cornwall Council on a number of highway matters. Representations have included recent episodes of flooding, and my ongoing complaints about the poor quality of numerous road surfaces. In terms of the issues with the road drains at Summercourt crossroads, Cormac have acknowledged that there is some sort of blockage in the network and further investigative works have been carried out.

Residents may have noticed that a number of poles to host the Parish Council’s mobile speed visors have been erected around the Parish.

15.0 Small play areas and green spaces

Last month, I was pleased to report that Cornwall Council is working up a project to look at the “devolution” of small play areas and green spaces to Parish Council throughout Clay Country.

[There was a follow-up site meeting with Cornwall Council about this on 13th December and the areas under discussion include a number of small play areas / green spaces; Clodan Mews, Hanover Park, Kingsley Court, Lindsay Fields, Penhale Gardens and St James View].


16.0 Advice

In addition, I have assisted numerous households and individuals with guidance and advice on a range of topics.